moomoo US Help Center-Moomoo community activity T&C
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Moomoo community activity T&C

Terms and Conditions

1. As you consider allowing Moomoo Technologies Inc. and its affiliates (together, 「we」, 「our」, or 「us」) to use your User Content, we want to make sure you know exactly how we intend to use it. 「User Content」 includes but is not limited to your comments, tweets, posts, photos, pictures, images, videos, materials, or other user-generated content or information.

2. All submissions must be original. They should not be plagiarized, copied, or reproduced from other users. Should there be any aforementioned suspicious activity, the participant will be disqualified from the activity and all rewards will be cancelled.

3. By submission, participants automatically authorize us to modify and publish the submitted content via appropriate channels. Creators will be acknowledged. You affirm that you alone created or own the User Content and no one else has any rights to it or could claim they own it or that it infringes on the rights of others. Likewise, if there are people being involved in the User Content other than yourself, you also affirm that they are over 18, are informed that you are granting us the permission to use the User Content, and have consented to it being used by us pursuant to this license.

4. You will continue to own the Content. You are granting us a non-exclusive license to use the User Content that can't be revoked by you unless permitted by law. We will have the right to reproduce the User Content in any form (including, but not limited to, video, internet posting, reproduction, display, email, publication, and distribution), either through our own services or services provided by third parties, on any medium now known or later developed perpetually, worldwide and without restriction or limitation. In addition, if you posted your User Content with your real name, username, caption, location information or other identifying information, you agree that we can use that information with your User Content. The User Content and other information may be used for advertising and promotional purposes. We may use the User Content either alone or in conjunction with sketches, cartoons, captions, films, artwork, textural matter, materials written by us or others, or other photographs. You understand that you won't have the right to approve how we use your User Content. While we will make commercially reasonable efforts to give you credit for your User Content if we use it, you agree that such credit is not mandatory. Your permission for us to use your User Content is not contingent upon such credit being given or any fees being paid to you.

5. You also understand that by granting us the permission to use your User Content, you are at least 18 years of age, and exempt us, our employees and officers, and any third party services that use your User Content from any and all claims, actions or proceedings of any kind, and from any and all damages, losses, costs, and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees and expenses relating to or arising out of the use of your User Content as contemplated by this license.

6. Please contact us at @moomoo Event if you have any questions.

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