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Understanding Options Pricing: A Comprehensive Guide to Market Valuation

Views 343Jul 16, 2024

Investors can use different tools to estimate an option's value and price, including options pricing models. These mathematical frameworks are used to estimate the theoretical value of options contracts, providing investors with a way to calculate the theoretical fair price of an option based on various factors. This includes current underlying asset prices, the option's strike price, time until expiration, interest rates, dividends, and market volatility.

Read on to learn more.

Understanding option pricing models

Understanding options pricing models is key for several reasons. First, these models provide a systematic method to determine the fair value of options, enabling investors to make more informed decisions about whether an option is overvalued or undervalued in the market. This can be essential for identifying potential profitable trading opportunities and helping to avoid pitfalls.

Options pricing models incorporate various factors including intrinsic value, extrinsic value, volatility, interest rates, and time decay, which are all pivotal in understanding complexities of options markets. By understanding how these factors interact within pricing models, investors can better forecast price movements and potentially manage risks associated with their options positions.

How to calculate options pricing

Calculating options pricing can help traders determine the fair value of an options contract. One of the most widely used models for this is the Black-Scholes model, which uses several variables to estimate the price of European-style options. Here's a breakdown of key factors involved:

Stock Price (S): The current price of the underlying asset is essential in calculating the option's price.

Strike Price (K): The price at which the option can be exercised. For call options, the lower the strike price, the higher the value, while for put options, the higher the strike price, the greater the value.

Time to expiration (T): This is the time remaining until the option expires, often expressed in years. Longer durations generally increase an option's price due to the greater uncertainty and time value.

Volatility (σ): This represents the underlying asset's price fluctuations. Higher volatility indicates greater expected fluctuations (in either direction) in underlying price levels.

Risk-Free Rate (r): The theoretical return on an investment with zero risk, often approximated by government bond yields. The risk-free rate impacts the discounting of the option's future payoff.

Dividends (D): If the underlying asset pays dividends, this can affect the option's pricing. Expected dividends can reduce the stock price, impacting call and put options differently.

Here's an example using the following parameters for an option pricing formula:

  • Stock price (S): $100

  • Strike price (K): $105

  • Time until expiration (T): 1 year

  • Risk-free interest rate (r): 5%

  • Volatility (σ): 20%

The equation for the Black-Scholes model is the following. From using the above figures for calculation, the theoretical price of the European call option is approximately $8.04.

How to calculate options pricing

Intrinsic value of an option

Intrinsic value is the value for an option if it had been exercised today. It encompasses the relationship between the strike price and the market price of a stock but it dosen't factor in time remaining until an option's expriation. Intrinsic value refers to the amount by which an option is in-the-money (ITM).

Understanding intrinsic value can help traders evaluate the worth of an option and make informed decisions based on the actual value of the option's position relative to the market price of the underlying asset. It is a fundamental component of an option's overall price, which also includes extrinsic value.

call options and put options

Intrinsic value of call options

The intrinsic value of a call option is the amount by which the option is ITM and it's determined by the difference between the current price of the underlying asset and the option's strike price. If the underlying asset's price is higher than the strike price, the call option has intrinsic value. For example, if an underlying stock is trading at $60 and the call option's strike price is $50, the intrinsic value of the call option is $60 - $50 = $10.

Intrinsic value of put options

The intrinsic value of a put option is the amount by which the option is ITM and it's calculated as the difference between the option's strike price and the current price of the underlying asset, but only if the strike price is higher than the market price. For example, if the underlying stock is trading at $40 and the put option's strike price is $50, the intrinsic value of the put option is $50 - $40 = $10 or ITM by $10.

Time Value (Extrinsic Value)

Extrinsic value is the portion of an option's price that extends beyond its intrinsic value. It reflects the additional amount that traders are willing to pay based on the potential for future profitability. Unlike intrinsic value, extrinsic value factors in the time remaining until the option's expiration, market volatility, and the overall demand for the option.

Example of time value

A call option on a stock is currently trading at $50 per share, with a $45 strike price and an $8 premium. This is ITM because the strike price is below the current market price. With the $8 premium paid, the extrinsic or time value is the portion of the premium that remains after accounting for intrinsic value. Here, the time value is calculated as $8 (total premium) - $5 (intrinsic value) = $3.

This $3 represents the additional amount investors are willing to pay for the potential that the stock could increase further before the option's expiration and the time risk involved. This time value will diminish as the expiration date approaches.

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Volatility refers to the degree of variation in the price of a financial instrument over a specific period. It represents the rate at which the price of a security increases or decreases for a set of returns. Volatility can be indicative of the uncertainty or risk related to the size of changes in an asset's value; higher volatility means the price of the asset can change dramatically over a short period in either direction, while lower volatility implies steadier price movements.

Volatility Analysis on Moomoo
Volatility Analysis on Moomoo

Historical volatility

Historical volatility, often referred to as realized volatility, measures the rate at which the price of a financial instrument has fluctuated over a specific past period. It is calculated by analyzing past market prices, typically using standard deviation to quantify the variability in the returns of an asset. This metric provides insights into how much the price of an asset has moved historically, offering a quantitative basis for assessing past market behavior.

Implied volatility

Implied volatility (IV) is a metric used to estimate the future volatility of an asset's price based on the market's expectations. Unlike historical volatility, implied volatility is forward-looking and extracted from the prices of an asset's options. It represents the market consensus on the degree of price fluctuations expected over the lifespan of the option.

Implied volatility is a crucial component in options pricing models, such as the Black-Scholes model, helping to determine the premium of options contracts. Higher implied volatility generally leads to higher option premiums, reflecting the increased uncertainty and risk perceived by the market, while lower implied volatility suggests a more stable market outlook, resulting in lower option prices.

Interest Rates

Interest rates play a crucial role in the pricing of options, particularly affecting the extrinsic value of call options. The interest rate, often referenced as the risk-free interest rate (typically the yield on government bonds), influences the cost of carrying the underlying asset.

For call options, higher interest rates generally increase the extrinsic value of call options. When interest rates rise, the opportunity cost of holding a stock instead of investing in a risk-free asset also increases and the cost of holding the stock is reflected in the higher premium of call options.

For put options, the effect is more complex and can be influenced by several factors. Higher interest rates may reduce put option premiums because the present value of the strike price, which the option holder will receive if the option is exercised, is lower. However, this relationship is not always straightforward and can vary depending on market conditions and other factors like implied volatility and the dividend payout of the underlying asset.


Dividends play a crucial role in the valuation of options, significantly impacting their pricing.

For call options, anticipated dividend payments tend to decrease the extrinsic value of call options because when a stock goes ex-dividend, its price typically drops by approximately the dividend amount. This reduces stock price diminishes the potential profit, making call options less attractive and, therefore, cheaper.

For put options, expected dividends usually increase the extrinsic value of put options. As the stock price is expected to drop by the dividend amount, the value of put options—which gain value as the price of the underlying asset falls—goes up. Put options become more expensive as they are now seen as more likely to be profitable when the stock price declines post-dividend payout.

How to Trade Options Using Moomoo

Moomoo provides a user-friendly platform for trading options. Here's a step-by-step guide to get you started:

Step 1: Navigate to your Watchlist, then select a stock's "Detailed Quotes" page.

moomoo app watchlist

Disclaimer: Images provided are not current and any securities are shown for illustrative purposes only and is not a recommendation.

Step 2: Navigate to Options> Chain located at the top of the page.

Step 3: By default, all options with a specific expiration date are shown. For selective viewing of calls or puts, simply tap "Call/Put."

moomoo app options tab

Disclaimer: Images provided are not current and any securities are shown for illustrative purposes only and is not a recommendation.

Step 4: Adjust the expiration date by choosing your preferred date from the menu.

select expiration date

Disclaimer: Images provided are not current and any securities are shown for illustrative purposes only and is not a recommendation.

Step 5: Easily distinguish between options: white denotes out-of-the-money, and blue indicates in-the-money. Swipe horizontally to access additional option details.

confirm the moneyness

Disclaimer: Images provided are not current and any securities are shown for illustrative purposes only and is not a recommendation.

Step 6: Explore various trading strategies at the screen's bottom, offering flexibility for your investment approach.

switch between different options trading strategies

Disclaimer: Images provided are not current and any securities are shown for illustrative purposes only and is not a recommendation.

FAQs about options pricing

What is the difference between an option price and premium?

In options trading, "option price" and "premium" are often used interchangeably, but they can have nuanced differences depending on the context. The option price refers to the total amount an investor must pay to purchase an option contract, including the options intrinsic value and the extrinsic value (time value) of the option.

The term "premium" specifically denotes the price paid by the buyer to the seller for the option and it encompasses the total cost of the option; this incudes its intrinsic value (if any) and extrinsic value. If an option has an intrinsic value of $5 and an extrinsic value of $3, its total price would be $8 and its the premium the buyer pays to the seller for buying the option.

What is the option pricing method?

The option pricing method involves a set of mathematical models and techniques used to determine the fair value of an option such as the Black-Scholes model. This can serve as an options price calculator as it calculates the theoretical price of European-style options; it's based on current stock price, strike price, time to expiration, volatility and risk-free interest rate and they are integrated to generate a theoretical price for call and put options. Other methods, such as the Binomial Option Pricing Model and Monte Carlo simulations, are used for more complex options and scenarios with varying conditions.

How are stock option prices determined?

Stock option prices are determined by a combination of intrinsic value and extrinsic value, influenced by various factors and analyzed using different pricing models. Much of an option's pricing complexity arises from its extrinsic value, which encompasses the potential for future price movements and it is affected by multiple variables including time to expiration, implied volatility, interest rates, dividends, market demand and supply, and underlying asset price movement.

By evaluating these factors, traders can determine the fair value of an option, often utilizing sophisticated mathematical models like the Black-Scholes Model, Binomial Option Pricing Model, or Monte Carlo simulations.

Disclaimer: This content is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement of any specific investment or investment strategy. Options trading entails significant risk and is not appropriate for all investors. Certain complex options strategies carry additional risk. It is important that investors read  Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options before engaging in any options trading strategies.

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