moomoo US Help Center-Charts
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1. Overview



switch period

switch period to view different charts

zoom in/out

zoom in or zoom out of the candlestick charts


drag left or right to view historical trend


display technical indicators

switch adjustment type

switch adjustment type to backward adjusted, actual, or cumulative price.


display/hide lines on the main chart, such as cost line, show lines, etc. 

1.1 Mobile App

1.2 Desktop 

2. User Guide

2.1 Switch Period

You can switch the period of the candlestick charts by choosing the above tabs. Currently, moomoo support periods such as Intraday, 5D, 1D, 1W, etc. 

2.2 Zoom in/out

Mobile app: use two fingers to call up the zoom in/out function; Note: Intraday chart does not support this feature. 

Desktop: hover your mouse on the chart to make sure the chart is active, then use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom in/out, or you can click the zoom button on the top-right corner. 

2.3 Translation

Mobile app: In the vertical or horizontal mode of the quotation page of the individual stock quotation page, drag the trend chart horizontally with one finger left and right to view the trend outside the screen range;

Desktop: long-press the chart and drag to the historical period you want. 

2.4 Switch Adjustment Type

Moomoo adjust historical price data to remove gaps caused by stock splits, dividends and distributions. That may cause our charts to look different from other services that do not perform the same adjustments. 

Mobile app: click "setting" icon, select adjustment type - adjusted, actual, or cumulative. 

Desktop: choose the adjustment type in the top-right corner. 

This presentation is for informational and educational use only and is not a recommendation or endorsement of any particular investment or investment strategy. Investment information provided in this content is general in nature, strictly for illustrative purposes, and may not be appropriate for all investors.  It is provided without respect to individual investors’ financial sophistication, financial situation, investment objectives, investing time horizon, or risk tolerance. You should consider the appropriateness of this information having regard to your relevant personal circumstances before making any investment decisions. Past investment performance does not indicate or guarantee future success. Returns will vary, and all investments carry risks, including loss of principal. Moomoo makes no representation or warranty as to its adequacy, completeness, accuracy or timeliness for any particular purpose of the above content.