
AMC in Advanced Talks to Refinance Debt as Meme-Stock Luster Fades -- WSJ

AMC in Advanced Talks to Refinance Debt as Meme-Stock Luster Fades -- WSJ

随着Meme-Stock Luster的消退,AMC正在就债务再融资进行深入谈判-WSJ
Dow Jones Newswires ·  2022/01/25 16:51

By Alexander Gladstone

亚历山大·格拉德斯通(Alexander Gladstone)著

$AMC Entertainment(AMC.US)$ is stepping up its efforts to refinance some of its debt as the cinema chain's shares and bonds have slumped, giving up most of their gains since the company became a meme-stock favorite.

$AMC Entertainment(AMC.US)$随着这家连锁影院的股价和债券暴跌,该公司正在加紧为部分债务进行再融资,放弃了自该公司成为表情包股票宠儿以来的大部分涨幅。

AMC is in advanced refinancing talks with multiple interested parties, according to people familiar with the matter who said the company has options to lower its interest burden and stretch out maturities by several years.


Chief Executive Adam Aron said earlier this year that in 2022 he would like to refinance the expensive debt the company took on to outlast the pandemic. The selloff in AMC's bonds might make refinancing more difficult, especially as the Federal Reserve prepares to raise rates, according to financial analysts.

首席执行官亚当·阿伦(Adam Aron)今年早些时候表示,他希望在2022年为该公司为度过大流行而背负的昂贵债务进行再融资。金融分析师表示,AMC债券的抛售可能会使再融资变得更加困难,特别是在美联储(Federal Reserve)准备加息的情况下。

AMC's stock has declined by 41% this year through Tuesday's market close, a steeper drop than the broader market selloff hitting stocks and cryptocurrencies. While the company's bonds had previously held up even as its shares slipped, on Monday the bonds dropped by several points. That indicates that even creditors, who enjoy a greater degree of protection from losses than stockholders, are getting skittish about the business.


AMC isn't targeting all of its debt stack for refinancing, just some of its bonds that carry especially high interest, one of the people familiar with the matter said. Even if the decline in AMC's bond prices caused their yields to rise, the company may still be able to strike a deal that would cut interest expense compared with what it pays now, the person said.


AMC had $5.5 billion of debt as of September that ranks ahead of the equity, including high-interest bonds, and owed $376 million of lease payments that were deferred during the pandemic.


On Tuesday, AMC's $1.5 billion in secured 10% bonds due 2026 traded as low as 92 cents on the dollar, down from 99.5 cents at the start of the year. Another bond with less collateral protection traded as low as 69 cents on the dollar on Monday, down from 72 cents in early January, according to MarketAxess.


In early 2021, AMC became a darling of individual investors, many of whom refer to themselves as the apes. They helped push AMC's stock price to eye-popping heights through meme-heavy social-media hype, and they came to own more than 80% of the company.


"At first it was a very well-defined and purposeful anti-Wall Street type movement," said Chad Beynon, an analyst at Macquarie Group Ltd., regarding the ape community. "That story is no longer as attractive. After seeing it not working for a few months, there's some sort of fatigue."

麦格理集团有限公司(Macquarie Group Ltd.)分析师查德·贝农(Chad Beynon)在谈到猿类社区时说:“一开始,这是一场定义非常明确、目的明确的反华尔街运动。”“这个故事不再那么有吸引力了。在看到它几个月都不起作用后,有一种疲惫。”

AMC, as well as its peers in the cinema business, continue to struggle with getting customers into their theaters as the pandemic drags on. While the film "Spider-Man: No Way Home" was a recent hit for the theater industry, box-office revenue for the latest weekend amounted to a mere $46 million, compared with $123 million the same weekend in 2020, and $104 million in 2019, according to Comscore data.

随着疫情的持续,AMC以及电影院业务的同行们继续努力争取客户进入他们的影院。虽然电影《蜘蛛侠:无路可归》(Spider-Man:No Way Home)最近在影院行业大获成功,但根据Comcore的数据,最近一个周末的票房收入仅为4600万美元,而2020年同一周末的票房收入为1.23亿美元,2019年的票房收入为1.04亿美元。

Since the Covid-19 pandemic began, AMC has stayed alive by a combination of selling new shares, taking on new debt and getting landlords to agree to delay collecting rent payments. But the apes' takeover of AMC has restricted its options for dealing with the debts it took on to get through the worst of the pandemic lockdowns.


Last year, AMC twice failed to win shareholder approval of new equity issuances as apes fretted about dilution, despite Mr. Aron lobbying to allow for more shares to be sold. Now the company isn't able to issue stock to pay down debt, said Michael Pachter, an analyst at Wedbush Securities.

去年,AMC两次未能获得股东对新股发行的批准,因为猿类担心稀释,尽管阿伦游说允许出售更多股票。韦德布什证券的分析师迈克尔·帕切特(Michael Pachter)说,现在该公司无法发行股票来偿还债务。

"The shareholders blew that," Mr. Pachter said.


Despite the sliding share price, some apes are holding on, viewing their commitment to AMC as an act of defiance against the hedge funds and Wall Street institutions that bet against the stock by short selling it. The ape community has also become a forum for opposition to a financial system they believe stacks the deck against individual investors.


Anton Torres, a cable technician in Washington state who bought stock in AMC last January, said that he and the other apes he knows are holding on to their shares because they believe that AMC's stock price might rise again.

华盛顿州的有线电视技术员安东·托雷斯(Anton Torres)去年1月购买了AMC的股票,他说,他和他认识的其他猿类都坚持持有自己的股票,因为他们认为AMC的股价可能会再次上涨。

"I'm holding hoping the value increases, but I'm also holding because it's bringing awareness to a system that is poorly regulated and I like the stock," Mr. Torres said.


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