Moomoo AU Help Center-How to transfer stocks out
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How to transfer stocks out

Investors can transfer their stocks out of Moomoo AU to another brokerage firm.

The following details apply to all stock transfer requests:

• You can transfer your US stocks, HK stocks, and AU stocks out of their Moomoo AU account.

• Stocks can only be transferred between your own brokerage accounts under the same name.

• Stock transfers usually take 2-3 weeks. The transfer time is subject to the actual processing time of both brokerages.


1. How are transfer fees charged

When transferring stocks out of your brokerage account, a transfer fee will be charged to your account. Please make sure you have sufficient funds in your brokerage account to cover any transfer fee.


Transfer fee (Per transfer)

• US$50 per US stock

• HK$500 per HK stock

• A$55 per AU stock

Note: Transfer fees are charged by Moomoo AU.

For example, if you transfer two US stocks, such as BABA and AAPL, from Moomoo AU trading to an outside brokerage firm at the same time, the total transfer fee will be $100.


2. Send an email to Moomoo AU

Notify Moomoo AU to process your transfer request by sending an email to

Your email should include the following information:

a) Details of the receiving firm

Info Needed

Your Information

moomoo ID

Your moomoo ID

Registered Name

Your registered legal name with Moomoo AU

Receiving Brokerage Firm

Your other brokerage firm's legal name

Receiving Account

Your account number with the receiving brokerage firm

Contact Information of the Receiving Brokerage Firm

Phone or email


b) Stock symbol and quantity

Please fill in the corresponding stock symbol and quantity based on the market of the stocks you request to transfer.


Stock Symbol


US Market

Example: AAPL

Example: 2

HK Market

Example: 00700.HK

Example: 2

AU Market

Example: RDNO

Example: 2


c) Make a declaration

Please fill in the corresponding fee declaration information based on the market of the stocks you request to transfer.



US Market

I declare that I am aware that Moomoo AU charges a $50 transfer fee per stock per transfer.

HK Market

I declare that I am aware that Moomoo AU charges a HK$500 transfer fee per stock per transfer.

AU Market

I declare that I am aware that Moomoo AU charges an A$55 transfer fee per stock per transfer.


3. Send an email to the other brokerage firm

Notify the receiving brokerage firm via email, and submit a stock transfer request on their platform.

As different brokerage firms have different notification requirements, please follow the instructions of the receiving brokerage firm.


• When notifying the receiving brokerage firm to receive the stocks, suggest that they contact Moomoo AU at

• Your transfer will not be processed until both brokerage firms have received your transfer requests and confirmed the information.