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At this stage, QS has no investment value, just a pair of gambling mahjong tiles.

$QuantumScape (QS.US)$

If up to now, you still do not have your own unique profit model, only have traditional popular so-called fundamental and technical analysis, trading based on charts, etc., it is actually gambling, or no different from gambling. Some people don't even understand these mentioned above, which is absolutely not allowed. You are giving away money instead of making money. Gambling has surprises, but more often it brings disappointment and despair.

1. The more a person embodies traits of the opposite sex, the richer and more complete they are in human nature.

2. When a man defeats a woman, it is often in a gentle, delicate and affectionate manner. When a woman defeats a man, it is often done with heroism, chivalry, and righteousness.

3. Do not try to understand everything, because sometimes some things are not meant to be understood, but rather to be accepted.

The masses have never thirsted for the truth; they turn a blind eye to evidence that does not align with their taste. If fallacies are tempting to them, they are more willing to worship fallacies. Whoever provides them with illusions can easily become their master; whoever destroys their illusions will become their sacrificial lamb. —《The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind》

Stock Market Gas Station: Standing by the station drinking a beverage while waiting for the train, suddenly realizing that the shoelace is loose. Taking the opportunity to place the drink on top of the station's trash can, tying the shoelace, and then continuing to pick up the drink to sip. At this moment, strange glances are cast from nearby, and someone remarks: "This person looks good, dressed quite neatly, just not very bright, what a pity.".

Warning Bell Rings: The first and last chapters of the book of wisdom both state "There is no free lunch in the world." Don't expect to make money without putting effort into reading others' articles. We are originally strangers, with no vested interests, walking our own paths, doing our own things. I didn't intend to repeat these seemingly cold and somewhat unfeeling words almost every time, but the stock god (stock market neurotics, they share some common traits, such as: liking rises and hating falls, enjoying the reassurance of hitting a certain point, sharp rises, pumping, V-shaped reversals, huge increases, ...ALL IN, holding positions ready for big gains, fully loaded for big gains, buying and selling recklessly? When it falls, they stomp and curse, shift blame, their currency is not dollars, but coins and bitcoins, sacred and untouchable, envisioning stock prices that won't reach temporarily, like 8, 5, 1, and then claiming to buy in fully at a certain point... when the price actually reaches that level, they won't buy, setting another price similar to the previous one that can't be traded at once, then claiming to buy at that point....) is too much, often talking about so-called insidious and cunning stock recommendations, luring people to buy stocks under the guise of conspiracies, then solemnly reminding stock friends: be careful.

Disclaimer: This article is a personal trading log, not opinions or stock recommendations. The blogger has a short-term trading style and may sell shares at any time (including the same day, or even the next second). I usually do not hold stocks for more than a week, and when the overall market is not good, I will unconditionally stop loss when the total market value falls by 5%. In addition, I often make mistakes frequently (it is easier to make mistakes in a weak market). (I once mistakenly thought that the price of QS had dropped by more than 80%, so I believed that QS had resistance to falls, but subsequent market conditions proved my thinking wrong. The main force of my funds started tentatively building positions around 40, then massively building positions around 20 in stages, and when I realized my decision was wrong, I retreated completely around 16-18. I have been doing rolling operations to reduce the average holding price and quantify low-buy-high-sell arbitrage trading. Because I have been doing rolling operations, I laid the foundation for a Dunkirk-style large-scale retreat later, otherwise the losses would have been much greater. I almost lost about 1/3 of my forces on this stock QS, which was a failure I had never experienced since using quantitative analysis trading methods. A great shame! A professional trader with a background in theoretical physics and applied mathematics, I deeply feel the lesson learned: a bear market with a bearish moving average system and bearish stocks are not to be touched. Without the ability to short, you will often be bombed. It is quite passive, strenuous, and suffering. Revenge is a dish best served cold. The current QS is not worth my time and energy.
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