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What characteristics do high-income companies have in common?

The answer is probably “productivity.” All of the winning companies introduced in this special issue have high productivity.
 Specifically, in companies with high annual income, “sales per capita,” which is sales divided by the number of employees, is at a high level. This is because, roughly speaking, this is nothing but a source of salary for employees working at that company.
 Above all, the productivity of FA (factory automation) companies known for “super high profits and high annual income,” is outstanding.
 KEYENCE has recorded an operating profit margin of 50% or more for 8 consecutive terms until the fiscal year ending 2022/3. Also, consolidated sales increased 3.8 times compared to 10 fiscal years ago, and operating profit was 4.6 times the same. Market evaluations are also high, and recently the total market value is in a position to compete with the Sony Group for the 3rd and 4th place as a listed company.
 What makes the company more famous than its performance is its high annual income. Recently, the average annual income has risen to 21.83 million yen, ranking second among domestic listed companies. What supports this super-high treatment is high productivity, in other words, the “sales per capita” mentioned at the beginning. Recently, it has risen to 84.27 million yen (fiscal year ending 22/3, consolidated basis), and has exploded from 58.28 million yen in the fiscal year ending 12/3 ten years ago.

 What can be said to be strange is that despite the rapid increase in the number of consolidated employees from 3420 (fiscal year ending 12/3) → 6602 (fiscal year ending 18/3) → 8961 people (fiscal year ending 22/3), productivity also continues to improve.
 Normally, if the number of personnel increases drastically, it is not uncommon for sales to increase but productivity to decline. Even more so if it was originally a high standard. This has improved even when the number of people is increased, and even when viewed on an operating income basis excluding labor costs, it continues to maintain an operating profit margin of 50% or more.
 What is the secret to KEYENCE's ability to maintain productivity and high pay even when the scale is expanded? The secret to its strength lies in “sales ability.” I don't want you to think, “Why is it that simple?” When it comes to sales, guts are obvious, and people seem to misunderstand that it is often due to layman's abilities, but what makes the company's sales strong is that it is thoroughly “structured.”
 On the other hand, despite being treated so highly, it is said that young people are also actively changing jobs to other companies for some reason, which can be said to be the opposite of strength. Furthermore, due to the structure of salaries, it is surprising that in some cases there are cases where the “monthly salary for take-home payments has dropped to 130,000 yen.”
 On the next page, in addition to drawing out a unique model that maximizes the “strongest sales force,” and a super rational corporate culture, treatment and work styles are realistically detailed through the live voices of employees in the field. We will unravel the cause of “super high annual income & high profit” of Keyence, which is now a company representing Japan, is reluctant to disclose information and has many enigmatic points.
What characteristics do high-income companies have in common?
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