check last week Friday max pain and see where spy landed. max pain is a tool to check where roughly the particular index will fall to incur maximum damage to options market, especially to hit retail investors.
there are two things I will never challenge. one is market maker, second the fed. why? because they got way more power and money to swing the market. market maker now entered the market already but not all in. my guess they are burning. both sides. just a fun fact for max pain, retial investors only win 2 times since early 2022. so you can roughly imagine how much was lost by retail in options alone.
Seraphicall :
Mooooney : Spy already 400
williamlow85 : Not sure what is max pain mean but I know market is rocket now
razo2 OP williamlow85 : check last week Friday max pain and see where spy landed. max pain is a tool to check where roughly the particular index will fall to incur maximum damage to options market, especially to hit retail investors.
razo2 OP Mooooney : expire tomorrow bro.
williamlow85 razo2 OP : I feel that just wait and see what happen … now is like everyone fomo in as it rally
razo2 OP williamlow85 : there are two things I will never challenge. one is market maker, second the fed. why? because they got way more power and money to swing the market. market maker now entered the market already but not all in. my guess they are burning. both sides. just a fun fact for max pain, retial investors only win 2 times since early 2022. so you can roughly imagine how much was lost by retail in options alone.