102450266 : Now is the time and I hope you bought it.
71504463 : 230 tonight
102450266 71504463 : 235 to 240 for sure.
71504463 102450266 : The pressure point is 230. Being able to stand steady today is the greatest success
忐忐忑忑忐忐忑忑 : Have you entered
NeedaCoffee OP 忐忐忑忑忐忐忑忑 : Yes but I sold some of my shares… at 217 what a waste
Tpjh NeedaCoffee OP : Is 217 sold? It's up 10 points today
102450266 : Now is the time and I hope you bought it.
71504463 : 230 tonight
102450266 71504463 : 235 to 240 for sure.
71504463 102450266 : The pressure point is 230. Being able to stand steady today is the greatest success
忐忐忑忑忐忐忑忑 : Have you entered
NeedaCoffee OP 忐忐忑忑忐忐忑忑 : Yes but I sold some of my shares… at 217 what a waste
Tpjh NeedaCoffee OP : Is 217 sold? It's up 10 points today