The funds at the small and medium-sized level are the main force behind the current rally.
Are you a day trader?
My only goal is to preserve my capital, which helps me stay in the market for a longer time.
Traders should strictly adhere to these rules.
Traders should strictly adhere to these rules.
1. Never trade with money you can't afford to lose.
2. Don't trade every day for profit goals, make the right decisions and let money be a by-product.
3. Never be too optimistic about returns. Making a million is a distant goal that cannot be achieved in a day, a month, or even a year.
4. Read stories about super wealthy successful traders, but don't be proud of yourself, you are not one of them.
5. It is very, very difficult, even impossible, to make trading a full-time profession without other sources of income.
6. Never blindly follow anyone, no matter how good they are, no one will share your personal losses.
7. If you don't understand what you are doing and why you are doing it, do not place orders, and also understand the potential losses you may incur before trading.
8. Keep a checklist of rules that must be followed for each trade, and only trade if you check off the list and find that all the rules are met.
There is no easy money in the world, if there is, every fool on the street would be Warren Buffett by now!
Disclaimer: Community is offered by Moomoo Technologies Inc. and is for educational purposes only.
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