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Analysis of Tesla's after-market rehearsal chart on Friday June 21: Are you in line with the thinking of the main players?

You want the main force to act quickly to save yourself, and the main force wants you to panic and sell your chips. Everyone waits for whoever makes the mistake and who sells it first, then throws it away and steals it.
You think this is the end of the world and nothing can be saved; the main force wants to make a good catch this time.
Counterattack means that an aggressive state has just appeared, followed by a state of retaliation in the opposite direction. This retaliation in the opposite direction represents the main trend in the recent past. Counterattack. This logical judgment is often used in the process of a main trend. When an unexpected and relatively powerful secondary trend appears, it will be quickly retaliated against by the main trend. This logical technique is ideal as a bottom line theory for the main trend.
What some women dream of is probably something that only scum men can give. Maybe only bad guys can give it. Men, women, and children may only give it, so many times we seem to consider how we view the world. The key to the truth is how you view yourself. The way most people treat the world is the way he (she) thinks the world should be. Therefore, time is the best friend, and the time function must be in their own hands.
Why arbitrage? It only piles up when there is a sharp fall and a deep fall. Divide the capital in two: trading capital and position protection capital; and split the position in two: hold 40-60% for a long time, use 60-40% to change positions during short-term arbitrage transactions, move less, look more, and then change positions when it's best for you.
You always like to predict and guide the world; you always ask whether it is bullish or bearish, where will it rise and where it will fall; you always think that the stock market is either rising or falling; it's not sideways trading; it's either going long or short; it's either white or black. No one can help you. Her abilities are limited. Elias herself often and often can't read the market, or even misread the market. However, most of the critical points at critical moments are far from being faced, and Elias always sees the right choice. That's enough. If Elias makes a mistake and can carry on without limits, can you just sell short at a bearish price? Elias tells you the truth. Theoretically speaking, the risk of bearish short selling is completely unequal to the risk of bullish going long; the risk of the former is limitless. The US stock market is long and short.
Analysis of Tesla's after-market rehearsal chart on Friday June 21: Are you in line with the thinking of the main players?
Some people give their heart to you, but you pretend you haven't seen it because you don't like it, and you don't have a rich life.
Some people have taken all of your heart, and you're still pretending it doesn't hurt, because you've been educated to become an SB since childhood, and you just live a poor life.
No matter how the market changes, keep your positions and capital in a natural state of hedging. Up: Multiple positions are held; down: there is a battle sequence to protect the funds.
Analysis of Tesla's after-market rehearsal chart on Friday June 21: Are you in line with the thinking of the main players?
Video playback link🔗 - YouTube
Analysis of Tesla's after-market rehearsal chart on Friday June 21: Are you in line with the thinking of the main players?
Video playback link🔗 - YouTube
On the one hand, the author of the video below is watching Tesla weaken. Of course, this makes some sense. The most important thing is that Tesla's long-term profits have not yet been recorded in financial statements. But he acknowledged that Tesla has an amazing profit vision. He will produce another analysis describing Tesla's vision of profitability. Strategic investors, big and small, of Tesla should look up to the starry sky, get down to earth, and do a solid job of “laying the foundation” before starting the prelude to a continuous rise, and optimize their own position structure. The financial market is far from the model imagined by some superficial, uneducated, and unskilled idiots: either rising or falling, plus a sideways trade. The asymmetrical wide fluctuation of the market is enough to leave the vast majority of people feeling overwhelmed and end up losing money. Many times, the main controllers and market makers use this kind of market situation to cause more than 90% of the so-called techies to lose their ability to orient themselves in space. Sometimes, after a fierce battle between the long and short sides, not even Wall Street's major institutions can accurately predict short-term market trends, but onlyJames Harris Simons (James Harris Simmons)The one leadingSome of the core mathematicians, statisticians, physicists, and software architects in Renaissance Technologies LLC (Renaissance Technology Co., Ltd.) have basically managed to correctly grasp market trends by infinitely coming close to solving advanced and complex applied mathematical problems such as functional letters, non-letters, replies, references, and loss letters (breaking these complex problems down into countless small units to solve them). However, the world's top mathematicians and philanthropists are worth more than $40 billionIt is questionable whether Renaissance Technologies LLC will continue to thrive after James Harris Simons passes away. These scientists are all extremely unique. Simons is gone. During Tesla's best or final period to increase their holdings before March 31, 2024, Wall Street's most powerful institutions all predictably partially increased their positions and increased their holdings of Tesla, but they did not find Renaissance Technologies LLC. Elias even suspected that after Simons passed away, all of his shares in Renaissance Technologies LLC were sold out, and Tesla shares held by Renaissance Technologies LLC were sold accordingly. Judging from the timing and point of the sell-off alone, it's not very clever. However, if you look at Renaissance Technologies LLC's profit from a profit perspective, it must have been very profitable. Furthermore, with the exception of 20% of the charitable funds owned by Simons and his wife, is used for research work at the research institutes he founded in the fields of mathematics and theoretical physics, with the exception of 20% for charitable causes.
Analysis of Tesla's after-market rehearsal chart on Friday June 21: Are you in line with the thinking of the main players?
Video playback link🔗 - YouTube
Earning money is always added value. If you have an idea and enhance your value, it will naturally be easier to make money. Be honest, take the lead, be intelligent, and have good skills.
The desire to cut short profits is overtaken by desire and obsession.
The general framework blueprint for Tesla's trend: Tesla's stock price first crossed the 182.800-187.420 region. The prudent side set up positions in this region. The so-called “not seeing rabbits” does not throw eagles. In the second step, Tesla's stock price crossed 187.420-191.300 and continued to rise. Step 3: Tesla's stock price rises👆It floated out of the strong resistance zone of 198.870-205.600, opening the prelude to Tesla's spectacular gains. The stock price effectively standing at 220.800 will start the main upward trend. Due to the vastness of these three regions, the rise in stock prices depends more on the gold pits made up of relatively low chips that appeared after the decline, so Tesla's strategic investors are willing to build up their overall positions. It is not until there is a major breakthrough in Tesla's fundamentals and signs of financial profit bookkeeping, that the situation of long-time stock price swings will evolve into a pattern of continuous rise.
Tesla's position layout: upper limit 180.450 (the watershed between strength and weakness); median value of 176.500 (ideal impact point); lower limit 172.050 (the lower the greater the grace).
In the Bible, gold represents God's eternity and faithfulness; silver is the ransom used to support the entire tent of salvation; copper represents God's justice, salvation, and judgment; and iron represents the authority of the church. Jesus Christ, as the body of the Word, is the eternal and faithful body of God; became flesh, fulfilled God's requirements for the righteousness of sin, and achieved the entire salvation; and his precious blood supports the entire tabernacle of salvation, enabling us to dwell in Him.

Ash wood is a tree distributed in southern Palestine. It is also known as ?$#@$ tree. It stands like an umbrella and has a stem that is about two feet tall. The tree has a stem that is two feet tall. The tree body is round, the leaves are round, and the wood is very strong, and insects cannot get into it. It is a beautiful material for making various artifacts in the conference curtain.

The Egyptians tried to build boats, and there are still many such trees in southern Palestine today. Seen like an umbrella from afar, this kind of tree is sparsely scattered in the wild; the distance between the two trees can be as long as one or two miles. This is one of the characteristics of the Sinai Peninsula, because this kind of tree is very tall and only camels can get it, and it also has thorns. Cows and sheep are afraid of thorns, but camels are not afraid, so camels can only have food when they walk in the wilderness.

The secret to the growth of soap viburnum trees is that the branches are covered with small leaves. When the sun goes down, the temperature in the wilderness suddenly drops, and each leaf becomes an absorber to absorb water droplets condensed in the air due to cooling.

Sea dog skin. The fur is brown. The texture is slim, soft, and shiny. The air bubbles generated in the water during this time can keep the water warm. The fat layer under the skin of sea lions is generally thinner than that of seals, so the fur of sea dogs is lighter. Since the fur of sea dogs is constantly changing, and they also have a very dense layer of fine fluff that seals do not have, seal skin is thicker, softer, and more slender than seal skin.

In the past, North Sea dog skins were often used as body vests and frost-proof leather boots for Huskies. At the end of the last century, as the North Sea dog population was fully protected by fur from coastal countries, their leather products began to be difficult to find. Meanwhile, in order to protect the diversity of species and the integrity of the biological chain in Namibia, the United Nations authorized the Namibian government to catch a limited quota of sea dogs every year. As soon as the news came out, it was not prohibited to cheer fur lovers.

Namibian seals belong to the South African sea dog breed. There is a slight difference in fur from North Sea dogs. They can make fur coats, body vests, leather boots, leather shoes, and small accessories. Since the global supply of fur is less than 70,000 sheets per year, owning a coat or accessory made of sea dog skin is an absolute symbol of identity and status.

“Tabernacle Mishkan/Tabernacle” has 4 floors. This “Ten Curtains” is the innermost layer of the “Tabernacle.” God created the innermost layer of the tabernacle according to the color concept understood by the Israelites in Egypt in 430 years, using white fine linen representing holiness, blue thread representing heaven and king, purple thread representing dignity, and vermilion thread representing life and protection, to symbolize Christ's glory, honor, and abundant life.

The angel “Cherubim” represents God's request for justice. The Lord Jesus' salvation on the cross not only shows God's mercy, but also satisfies God's justice. Both man and God are satisfied because of Christ.

When the Lord Jesus came to earth in the flesh, “He grew before the Lord like a sprout, like a dry ground. He wasn't beautiful; when we saw him, he wasn't beautiful and made us envy him” (Isaiah 532). Seen from the outside, people really can't see anything good about Christ, so God's revelation of the “tabernacle” starts from the inside, so let's first know the beauty of Christ from within.

Tents in the ancient Middle East usually had one layer of black goat hair. There are already many layers of two layers, and now they also need to add a third layer of “cover” and a fourth layer of “roof cover”. They seem heavy and superfluous, and are very difficult to carry in the wilderness. But God wanted to use this special design to reveal “the shape and image of heavenly events” (Hebrews 8:5), to portray Christ in the flesh. Therefore, “When Moses was about to build a tabernacle, God warned him, saying, 'Be careful and follow the pattern you indicate on the mountain'” (Hebrews 8:5). We must never substitute God's intention for church construction based on “rationality” in the eyes of people.

“Red-dyed ram skin” means that the ram has been killed. “Christ, our Passover Lamb, has been slain and sacrificed” (1 Corinthians 5:7), and Christ “did not use the blood of goats and calves, but only used his own blood to enter the sanctuary once, and it became an act of eternal atonement” (Hebrews 9:12).

“Sea dog skin” has a rough appearance and a tough texture, just as the Lord Jesus “had no good shape, and when we saw him, no beauty made us envy him” (Isaiah 532).

Our way of looking at the tabernacle from top to bottom is how we come to know the Lord Jesus:

The first thing we saw was the rough, rugged, and inconspicuous “sea dog skin” top cover. We only saw the Lord Jesus “not in good shape and beauty” (Sys. 532), just like “the principle of the cross, those who perished there were foolish” (Lin Qian 18).

Deeper further, we saw the “red lambskin” cover and gradually realized that it was a historical fact that the Lord Jesus died for us on the cross.

Deeper, we saw the thick, dark “goat hair” cover and realized that the method of salvation was “God made him sinless, so that we could become God's righteousness in him” (2 Corinthians 5:21), and “if we are united with him in the shape of his death, we must also join him in the shape of his resurrection” (Romans 6:5).

Finally, we entered Christ and saw the blue, purple, vermilion, and fine twine drapes, and truly realized how glorious Christ's life was, “because all the fullness of God's nature lives in tangible form in Christ” (West 2.9). Therefore, we are willing to “throw away everything and treat it as dirt, in order to receive Christ” (Phil 3:8).
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