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On Tuesday, July 2, EST, Tesla will release global delivery data for the second quarter. Market expectations are very low. Indeed, it would be a very timely and ideal coolant to adjust the excessive profit margin ratio, so that Tesla's medium- to long-term strategic investors can rebuild the overall situation and reposition their positions.
If the global delivery data for the second quarter released next Tuesday is unexpectedly good, then the stock price will first drift directly out of the strong historical resistance zone of 198.870-205.600, then begin to widen the long and short differences, and the stock price will drop sharply, giving Tesla's medium- to long-term strategic investors a chance to build up the overall situation again and place heavy positions.
Elias thinks the former is more likely.
The short space grew a lot.
Historical big data shows that short-term speculation will never make much money; only medium- to long-term investments spanning time and years can achieve the grand blueprint vision. Being happy and tired of falling is a fatal injury for the vast majority of people. Once Tesla's transformation to Artificial Intelligence led by Elon Musk is implemented, surpassing Nvidia, Apple, Microsoft, etc. is no problem.
The current stock price fluctuations are generally in line with the results of the mathematical model and quantitative analysis we have established.
The general framework blueprint for Tesla's trend:
1. Tesla's stock price first crossed the 182.800-187.420 region. The prudent side set up positions in this region; the so-called “don't see rabbits” and don't throw hawks.
2. In the second step, Tesla's stock price crossed 187.420-191.300 and continued to rise.
3. Step 3: Tesla's stock price rises👆It floated out of the strong resistance zone of 198.870-205.600, opening the prelude to Tesla's spectacular gains. During the main trading session on Wednesday, June 26, EST, the stock price rose to 197.760 and then fell somewhat, and the main trading period closed at 196.370. After-market OTC trading and pre-market OTC trading on June 27 reached a low of 194.590, closing at 194.940 (stock price fluctuation,...)
4. In the fourth step, the stock price will effectively stand at 220.800, which will start the main upward trend.
5. Due to the vastness of these three regions, the rise in stock prices depends more on the gold pits made up of relatively low chips that appeared after the decline, so Tesla's strategic investors are willing to build up their overall positions. It is not until there is a major breakthrough in Tesla's fundamentals and signs of financial profit bookkeeping, that the situation of long-time stock price swings back and forth will evolve into a pattern of continuous rise.
1. Why arbitrage? There are already long positions; the only way to open positions is when there is a sharp decline or a deep decline.
2. Divide the funds in two: trading funds and deposit funds. This is the key to victory.
3. Split the position in two: hold 40-60% for a long time, not tempted by floating profits brought about by short-term fluctuations in stock prices. Unwavering for a long time.
4.60-40% is used to change positions during short-term arbitrage trading. Move less, look more, and change positions when it is best for you. Learn to rest. Buying and selling every day isn't necessarily a good thing; the more you do, the more opportunities you have to make mistakes. If you don't have a proper phone call, don't be reluctant.
5. In principle: no return, no purchase; small back small purchase; big back big purchase. Flexibility is the best ability. Where did it fall? Where did the decline stop and stabilize? Frankly speaking, I don't know, and I can't measure it. The overall feeling isn't necessarily a deep drop; I don't know. However, I can respond by acting on an opportunistic basis, dividing gradients into batches, discrete random variables, and position opening layouts. Those who are actually involved in mathematics, who think that a very shallow wave theory can accurately predict points are deceiving themselves.
DAILY DEVOTIONAL — June 27, 2024
Refuses to Others
By David Wilkerson
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In my younger years, I felt myself to certain others who were to be holy. These people say to be aglow, always upbeat, smiling, and appearing much more Christlike than me. I never thought I appreciated up to their holiness, so I prayed, “Lord, Make Me Righteous Like Brother So-and-so. How wonderful it must be to live that way for you.”
How long I was! These people were not who I thought they were. Indeed, I have proven that nothing is as it happened; no one is quite as evil or quite as good as he may be. Rather, there is only one man who is truly righteous: Jesus Christ our Lord, and his righteous is perfect.
If we are in Christ, we have his righteousness, and it is not meant to us by degrees. No one wishes more or less of it; rather by faith, we receive it in its fullness.
We Are to Measure by His Righteous Alone and Not by Anyone Else's Righteous Righteous. “For We Dare Not Class Offered or Compare Concerned with Those Who Commended. But they, measuring measured by measured, and measured among others, were not wise. We, however, will not measure beyond measure, but within the limits of the sphere which God determines us—a sphere which especially includes you” (2 Corinthians 10:12-13, NKJV).
Paul is pointing out here, “There's a rule you can use to measure yourself. It is this: everyone who truly repents and praises in the perfect righteous of Christ, who comes to him in faith, believing in his work on the cross, is made perfectly righteous in the Sight of God You May Not Have Everything Worked Out Yet. There is still a daily work of sanctification through the Power of the Holy Spirit, but you are accepted in the Beloved, imputed with the Very Righteous of Christ.”
Dearly beloved, it is time you stopped worrying yourself either up or down as opposed to others. God has been imputed to you the full measure of the perfect righteous of Christ. “Till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:13).
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