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$e.l.f. Beauty (ELF.US)$ I largely agree with everything tha...

I largely agree with everything that’s.been said here,…. but sheesh, talk about disgruntled investors! They’re just dumping the stock. I do have to say Cramer had the CEO on a week or two ago, and I find it it a little bit disingenuous that the CEO didn’t even mention anything about nosediving sales over the last 7 months.

Additionally, he made it all sound like everything was coming up roses with new expansion into the European market etc.. But nothing about significant top line changes,… which I kind of resent, because that big a drop in sales is more than “noteworthy” and deserves some air time in the conversation when your talking about company valuation on an investment program like Mad Money,…. But I didn’t hear a word about any of that. I’m also a little bit aggrieved that Cramer, who was certainly aware of this, didn’t push back one bit on the abundance of the “all roses narrative” that was pretty , well “rosey”.
Jim can occsionallybe unpredictable in this area, which is magnified now that he has gotten way tougher on companies that try leading investors down the yellow brick road of happy returns when there are some otherwise glaring holes in the information being purported that get almost cavalierly glossed over. At the same time, Jim, who I absolutely revere, drives me up a wall in his super enthusiastic claims that Costco’s cutting prices like Sinbad with a sword.
at the same time, Most people consider me to be an almost ridiculously  cost conscious grocery shopper; who’s been jamming his head full of pricing data on most regularly used items, (with a respectable memory as to what items have sold for on average) for the last 20 years,…. Even as grocery vendors have so shamelessly attempted to thwart consumers from doing just that by some years ago, starting to display the pricing of their goods in the absurd metric of “ price/per ounce” ( which was an obvious attempt to make it far more difficult for consumers to easily compare value and evaluate whether various items were being fairly priced,…..or whether those vendors were, deliberately trying to obfuscate the consumer from being able to easily comparison shop both brands and stores themselves) by sticking to the long standing universally accepted standard for decades of quoting everything in $/ lb.
Being a bit P.O’d about this clearly intentional attempt to “disinform” customers regarding their ability to use a metric that most cost conscious shoppers were clearly comfortable with insofar as their ability and willingness to use in making educated and well informed decisions, I forced myself to adapt to this ridiculous task of transposing the cents/oz. back into $/ lb. giving me back a better insight as to whether grocers were pricing things fairly, or…. jumping on the popularized bandwagon of ripping people off.
Unfortunately, it seems the latter was more often the rule than the exception, and often times by rathrr eye popping increases in prices for most goods, that far exceeded corresponding inflation rates at various times. ….. My point being, ( and I don’t know how many of you are members of Costco) that I find Costco’s pricing to be excessively high on way too many of the grocery items that they sell.
In fact being much in line with those of  full price premium grocers,…that don’t try to entice you to buy large lots while trying to impress upon you that your saving “ quite a bit of money” by doing so.

Don’t get me wrong, they do offer “ some items” that represent a good deal”. But in my experience, though they offer higher than average quality items,…. they do so at rather super premium prices. In the interest of getting my buddy Jim to cool it on his nonstop promotion of Costco’s constantantly “ slashing prices”, I’d love to take him through the store and show him what the average price/lb. is at other reputable retail stores, and have him look at the same price/ lb. that Costco is charging their customers.
Quite honestly, I think he’d feel surprisingly and perhaps even unpleasantly surprised at the difference as to what he’s actually paying for so many of their grocery items, while so generously promoting their incredible commitment to cutting prices.

After all is it reasonable to conclude that a company that is so committed to cutting prices and in theory passing those savings on to customers in proportion to such cuts, could have a stock price, that for years has been skyrocketing on such conservative margins.( until post split anyway) and have been able to do so by so rigorously restraining their own margins, and passing a proportionate amount of those savings onto their customers?

So I get a bit perturbed when the good fellow  hawks Costco’s benevolence in their commitment to passing on savings to their clientele, while at the same time, he’s become so much less tolerant of those  guests on the show who try take advantage of his good nature, thinking they can pull one over on him regarding their company’s performance, especially when their top and or bottom lines have been clearly jilted by dither some factor in their operating practices, or some other external factor affecting their business.
He’s gotten so much better at absolutely “letting companies have it” if ghey try to withhold pertinent facts, or exaggerate their performance,,, live on his show,…. Which I really admire.
I guess I  just wish he’d have called out the rather glaring omissions that  ELF’s CEO got away with, without so much as a scratch, or at least a respectful mention of their sharp decline in sales,  that clearly led to their steep stock selloff after earnings, despite  what otherwise appeared to be arespectable beat and raise in guidance.
But instead it’s been “ hope you’ve got a parachute”, because it’s been “ look out below” for ELF( in a big way ) with their stock price,….down an additional 8% today alone.
Ultimately, I alone am responsible for my own investment decisions. It just irks me when I follow through with something Ive been  encouraged was probably going to be  a reasonably decent outlook for a given stock,…especially when it comes from someone I respect as much as I do Jim Cramer. Because on balance, he is one of most truly decent human beings I’ve ever known. 🤑🤑 BooYa!!!👍🤓
oll have totalk to Santa about having the reindeer tow ELF out of the Abominable snowmans cave!☃️❄️❄️🥳
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