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2024 Q3 P/L Challenge: What shifts did you make in your portfolio?
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Long-term strategy for Q3

Hey mooers! 🐮 This quarter was a wild ride for me, but overall I’m happy with my performance!

Strategy shifts: In Q3, I experienced a slight dip in August and September due to market volatility. My strategy was to offset these losses by steadily investing a predetermined amount each month. I view this as a long-term investment strategy for my retirement, so I’m not overly concerned about short-term fluctuations.

Unexpected gains: There weren't many unexpected gains this quarter, as I was focused on my long-term strategy with QQQ, DIA, and SPY.

Future tactics: Going forward, I plan to maintain my steady investment strategy. I’m happy with my holdings in QQQ, DIA, and SPY as they provide diversified exposure to the US market. These ETFs are designed for long-term growth, so I’m not planning to actively monitor the market too closely. The APPL stock I received from moomoo was a nice addition to my portfolio, and I'll continue to hold it as part of my long-term strategy.

5 Dos and 5 Don’ts for Portfolio Adjustments:

- Do stick to your long-term plan: Don't get swayed by short-term market fluctuations. Remember, your focus is on long-term growth!
- Do invest regularly: Even if the market is down, continue to invest steadily. It's about dollar-cost averaging over time.
- Do diversify your ETFs: My portfolio includes QQQ, DIA, and SPY, but you could add more ETFs from different sectors to further diversify.
- Do rebalance periodically: Ensure your portfolio remains aligned with your initial asset allocation. If one ETF gains significantly, rebalance to maintain your desired mix.
- Do stay informed about your ETFs: Keep up with news and developments related to your ETFs, but don't get caught up in daily market fluctuations.

- Don't panic sell: Don't get caught up in the fear of a market downturn. Your ETFs are designed for long-term growth, so hold tight!
- Don't chase hot trends: Avoid jumping on the bandwagon just because an ETF is performing well in the short term. Remember your long-term plan.
- Don't get swayed by individual stock picks: Focus on your diversified ETF portfolio and avoid chasing individual stocks that might seem like "quick wins."
- Don't make impulsive decisions: Avoid making sudden changes to your portfolio based on short-term market fluctuations. Trust your long-term strategy and stick to your plan.
- Don't invest more than you can afford: Always be prepared for potential losses, and invest only what you can afford to lose without disrupting your financial goals.
Long-term strategy for Q3
edit: oops, I've gotten too caught up with writing this and only posted my P/L calendar and forgot my portfolio details. 😬 Well, here it is below :)
Long-term strategy for Q3
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