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Mooers' Q4 personal finance survey: Increased confidence and profitability, remaining bullish for 2024

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Moomoo surveyed its users at the end of 2023 to find out how their investing journey has progressed compared to midway through the year and the beginning of the year. The survey aimed to gain better understanding of the current landscape by answering three key questions.
Three Key Takeaways
•How are users doing?
Surveyed users reported that they are more profitable and confident on average than six months ago and are trading more than a year ago. Most have added money to their trading accounts in 2023.
•Where are consumers putting their money?
Surveyed users see traditional banks as safer on average than six months ago. Many are new to moomoo but also have other brokerage accounts.
•What is the investor sentiment?
Surveyed users are more bullish on average and more expect the economy to avert a recession than did in the last two surveys.
1. How are users doing?
Amid a 2023 rally in the U.S. stock market, 40% of surveyed users report that they have made money compared to only 15% in 2022, a year when the S&P 500 lost 19.4%--its worst decline since 2008.
Mooers' Q4 personal finance survey: Increased confidence and profitability, remaining bullish for 2024
The majority of users believe in a 2024 bull market and have been adding money to their trading accounts in 2023.
Mooers' Q4 personal finance survey: Increased confidence and profitability, remaining bullish for 2024
Mooers' Q4 personal finance survey: Increased confidence and profitability, remaining bullish for 2024
With user bullishness rising along with the markets, users traded on average more in 2023 than they did in 2022.
Have you traded more or less in 2023  than you did at the same point in 2022?
Have you traded more or less in 2023 than you did at the same point in 2022?
After losing confidence on average in meeting their investment goals in the first half of 2023, users gained confidence into the end of 2023, but still lagged behind levels seen at the end of 2022
How much of a problem has inflation been in 2023?
How much of a problem has inflation been in 2023?
How confident are you in meeting your investment goals?
How confident are you in meeting your investment goals?
2. Where are consumers putting their money?
Investors have gained confidence overall in the second half of 2023 about the safety of their money in traditional banks.
Mooers' Q4 personal finance survey: Increased confidence and profitability, remaining bullish for 2024
Most users are relatively new to the app and many are using in conjunction with other platforms.
Mooers' Q4 personal finance survey: Increased confidence and profitability, remaining bullish for 2024
Mooers' Q4 personal finance survey: Increased confidence and profitability, remaining bullish for 2024
3. What is the investor sentiment?
Bullishness among users continued to grow as the market advanced in 2023.
Mooers' Q4 personal finance survey: Increased confidence and profitability, remaining bullish for 2024
More investors are buying into the “soft landing” scenario, but they are still in the minority.
Mooers' Q4 personal finance survey: Increased confidence and profitability, remaining bullish for 2024
Investors have shifted their views about the Federal Reserve but are on average more hawkish than markets and the Fed itself.
Mooers' Q4 personal finance survey: Increased confidence and profitability, remaining bullish for 2024
Rising markets in 2023 have lifted investors’ confidence in trading and the market outlook, but not everyone has participated equally.
• Inflation remains a concern and investors are still somewhat worried about a possible recession.
• Respondents market outlook remains broadly positive though and many are adding fund to their trading accounts.
About the Survey: The Q4 Moomoo Users survey was conducted in December 2023. The survey included around 1000 participants that are registered users of the moomoo app. The data shown in the survey represents the opinion of those surveyed, and may change based on market and other conditions. The survey results provided herein may not represent other customers' experience, and there is no guarantee of future performance or success and should also not be construed as investment advice. Experiences may differ than the ones represented here. Investing involves risks regardless of the strategy selected.
This presentation is for informational and educational use only and is not a recommendation or endorsement of any particular investment or investment strategy. Investment information provided in this content is general in nature, strictly for illustrative purposes, and may not be appropriate for all investors. It is provided without respect to individual investors’ financial sophistication, financial situation, investment objectives, investing time horizon, or risk tolerance. You should consider the appropriateness of this information having regard to your relevant personal circumstances before making any investment decisions. Past investment performance does not indicate or guarantee future success. Returns will vary, and all investments carry risks, including loss of principal. Moomoo is a financial information and trading app offered by Moomoo Techonologies Inc. In the U.S., investment products and services on Moomoo are offered by Moomoo Financial Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC.
Disclaimer: Moomoo Technologies Inc. is providing this content for information and educational use only. Read more
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