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Nvidia rebounds, gaining banks bullish: Is now a good time to buy?
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$NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$ you need to buy puts. we get a rally you ...

$NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$ you need to buy puts. we get a rally you have to buy puts. Jensen has not come out and said anything about a delay and the market is stupid .
super micro came out and told everybody Tuesday after hours what's going on. it's just amazing to me that Nvidia is in a quiet period so no comment can be made. I cautioned everybody when I watched the interview two and a half weeks ago how I told you that Jensen seem very very nervous when he was being asked questions. there's something wrong there's something that he's not disclosing. well we know no Blackwell is delayed. there's a design flaw it's running hot that's what their stories say it's a 3-month delay well last time I checked 3 months is a quarter which means revenues that were anticipated to spike because of the sale in Q4 of Blackwell are going to fucking zero. if you listened to Zuckerberg he said and go back and verify this that they're slowing their capex between now and the end of the year but will resume next year. that's amazing he's sitting with Jensen, he knows what the fuck is going on.. of course your capex is going to slow when you can't buy something that you planned you were going to buy. so when Jensen drops a bombshell on this delay they're going to have to guide lower.
wake the fuck up people look what happened to super micro. when Nvidia guides lower the stock is going to be cut in half!

common Sense actually works in investing you just have to take advantage of what you see right in front of you
don't buy puts on Nvidia common buy it on The leverage ETF
IF WE GET A RALLY BACK TO 85-88 (on NVDU so about on 107 on NVDA) BUY THE 50 PUTS.
Disclaimer: Community is offered by Moomoo Technologies Inc. and is for educational purposes only. Read more
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  • generous Crow_2596 : Yes today is PUT Day

  • Amp : Yeah.. while Jensen is selling 120k shares every other day seemingly.

  • 10baggerbamm OP generous Crow_2596 : there's a delay in Jensen's state of the art chip and Jensen said Blackwell will be the largest revenue generator in the history of the company. if you're going to delay that your revenues are going to drop dramatically for one plus quarters because this is not going to happen on a calendar delay or I should say a fiscal year delay on what they determine a quarter to be this is going to roll over to at least two quarters!!!  so even if you hedge your position and buy puts you need to do that. I'm not saying sell all your stock because maybe I'm dead wrong maybe I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about but I will tell you that when Nvidia comes out and says we're going to be slightly lower on revenues in Q4 and q1. look what fucking happened to Tesla stock when they delayed the robo taxis on the rumor and then on the confirmation, look at smci!

  • 10baggerbamm OP Amp : Jensen selling is not the issue he owns the vast majority of the stock his net worth is tied up in the company so I don't believe looking at his selling this year versus 2 years ago when the stock fell I don't think there's a correlation that's just my opinion. I'm just amazed there's not a single fucking person on TV that's an advocate for NVIDIA I mean cramer was pounding the fucking table on it don't sell it the greatest company in the history of the world. every fucking bobblehead on Fox Business on CNBC on Bloomberg not one is saying hey listen people this could be a problem this might be a serious fucking problem. why is that if they're so freaking smart why are they not coming out and saying and telling retail investors hey look I love the company Long term but short term even though it fell a little it's got the Bombay doors that are opening when Jensen says we're going to revise earnings down for two quarters. and this is. to me this is very obvious what's going to happen.. but why is nobody on TV online all these experts saying shit about this ask yourself that why???

35+ yrs in the trenches, raised tens of millions for start ups, syndicate ipo's, yrs on trading desk mkt maker.
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