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Nvidia denies receiving DOJ subpoena, Can Chip Stocks Stabilize?
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Nvidia: Riding the AI Hype Train Right Off a Financial Cliff

Alright, folks, buckle up because it's time to talk about everyone's favorite tech superhero turned victim of stock market karma—Nvidia! Yes, that’s right, the AI chipmaking champ just took a nosedive that makes a rollercoaster look like a slow elevator ride. Picture this: one day, you're Jensen Huang, the CEO of Nvidia, sitting on top of a mountain of cash so high that you need a Sherpa to guide you to your office. The next day? Oops, you’ve lost $10 billion in wealth because your company's stock took the kind of plunge that would make even the most seasoned bungee jumper queasy.

Now, how bad was this, you ask? Well, Nvidia didn’t just lose some lunch money—it lost a casual $279 billion in value in just one day. Yes, billion with a “B.” To give you some perspective, that’s like losing McDonald's, Chevron, and Pepsi in one fell swoop. I mean, who even needs burgers, gas, and soda when you’ve got AI, right?

But here’s the kicker—this drop wasn’t just a minor market hiccup. Oh no. Nvidia had the *worst day* in the history of the stock market. Like, in *all* of it. Forget your daily step count—Nvidia’s drop was so steep, even your fitness tracker would've sent an alert. "Warning: You’ve just plummeted 9.5% into financial oblivion. Proceed with caution!"

And who do we have to thank for this wild ride? Well, rumors are swirling that the Justice Department is giving Nvidia a little side-eye, with talks of an antitrust investigation. You know things are getting serious when the DOJ enters the chat like, “Hey, nice monopoly you’ve got there. Mind if we... investigate?”

But don’t worry—Jensen’s got this. “No subpoena here!” Nvidia said, waving like it’s all good. But just in case, they’re ready to chat with regulators. Because nothing says, “We’re totally innocent” like offering to voluntarily answer questions before you’re even asked.

Yet, for all the drama, AI enthusiasts are out here acting like this is just a Black Friday sale. Nvidia’s down? No problem! Let’s buy more! Because why not, right? If your chips are basically the new oil, who cares about a little stock drop?

So grab your popcorn, folks. This AI chip saga is just getting started, and I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for the sequel. Will Nvidia bounce back like the tech phoenix it is, or will it continue to slide down Wall Street’s slippery slope? Stay tuned!
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