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Salesforce Stock Be Like: 'I'm Not Just Down, I'm Underground' 💀

Alright folks, Salesforce is currently going through what we like to call a "never-ending rollercoaster ride of disappointment." Picture this: you’re at the amusement park, you’ve bought your ticket, you’re strapped in, and instead of soaring upwards, you just keep dipping down, over and over again. That’s Salesforce stock, people! It's like the stock is playing "How Low Can You Go" on repeat.

So, Salesforce decided to acquire a company. But let me tell you, this acquisition is about as helpful as a band-aid on a sinking ship. They’re dropping $1.9 billion on Own Company to “protect data,” but that news hit Wall Street and the stock was like, "Nah, I’m good," and continued its swan dive. It's been going down for *eight days in a row*! Eight days, folks! That's almost a Netflix binge, but instead of drama, it's just a steady decline.

Their longest losing streak since 2008—remember that year? Yeah, the one with the financial crisis. So, imagine being *that* stock that’s reminding people of 2008. That's a whole new level of awkward.

Now, UBS analysts—aka, the financial therapists of the stock market—boosted their target price to $275 from $250. But even they were like, “Hold up, don’t get too excited.” They basically said, "We know it looks bad, but hey, it could get worse." Thanks, Karl and Seth, for that cautious optimism.

So what did we learn today? If you're Salesforce, buying new companies doesn't fix a losing streak, but it does add a billion-dollar line item to your expense report. And if you're an investor, maybe just hold on tight for this ride—it could be a bumpy one.
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