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Manage your stock account investment transactions just like handling individual retirement accounts (IRA) and 401(K) funding accounts at Vanguard.

Tesla's stock price will continue to exhibit long-passing surges, surging highs and lows, quick defenses, and oscillating back and forth within a range oscillation form.
The job market has steadily slowed over the past year, with the unemployment rate recently soaring to its highest level since the pandemic. Due to high interest rates dragging down economic activity, some industries such as real estate and manufacturing have already shown signs of deceleration. Investors should wait for buying opportunities in the market and research financially strong companies. Look for companies with little or no debt, moderate profit growth, and high return on investment, and be prepared to re-enter the market. Companies with weak balance sheets, low or no profit growth, and high debt will face difficulties. Currently, investors are entering a more uncertain investment environment, with the market closely watching recession risks, geopolitical tensions, and the upcoming presidential election. However, compared to the sharp drop earlier this month, investors now generally have more confidence in the stock market. According to the latest investor sentiment survey by the American Association of Individual Investors (AAII), 43% of investors say they are bullish on the stock market in the next six months. Whether you prefer the Dow Jones, S&P components, or have a special fondness for technology stocks and mid-cap stocks, there are specialized strategies to help you grow your personal wealth from multiple perspectives.
The construction progress of the Shanghai Energy Storage Super Factory has reached around 45%. Tesla's Shanghai Energy Storage Super Factory is accelerating its construction, with progress reaching around 45%. It is understood that Tesla's Shanghai Energy Storage Super Factory officially started construction on May 23 this year. This is Tesla's first energy storage super factory project outside the US, and the second energy storage super factory globally for Tesla, with an initial planned annual production of 0.01 million commercial energy storage batteries and a storage capacity of nearly 40GWh.
Why will Tesla's stock price continue to oscillate in a form of surging highs and quick defenses, displaying long-passing surges back and forth within a range? The most fundamental reason is:
1. Despite some institutions on Wall Street acknowledging the extraordinary potential of Tesla's self-driving FSD, they still dare not heavily hold Tesla's stock. This is because Tesla's P/E ratio for fiscal year 2024 has already reached a high of 90 times, with profit expectations for fiscal years 2024 and 2025 continuing to decline.
2. Considering that the realization of Tesla's self-driving FSD is expected within the next 6-12 months, many Wolf-level hedge funds on Wall Street who like to engage in long-short arbitrage speculation are reluctant to hastily put bearish bets on Tesla.
The Vanguard Group, also known as Vanguard Investment Group, founded by John Clifton "Jack" Bogle, an American entrepreneur born on May 8, 1929, in New Jersey, USA, where his family immigrated from Scotland across the Atlantic. He passed away on January 16, 2019, in the US. In 1966, Bogle, who was already the successor to the Wellington Management Company, merged with a company in Boston to address issues, but then suffered severe losses due to the stock market downturn during 1973-1974, leading to a board vote for his dismissal. On September 26, 1974, Bogle started anew; naming his company Vanguard, after the ship HMS Vanguard used by Admiral Nelson in the Battle of the Nile, he founded Vanguard Investments. It is one of the largest fund management companies in the US. Its notable investment targets include VTI, VOO, VEA, VTV, BND, VUG, VWO.
Bogle, who was to become the successor to the Wellington Management Company in 1966, merged with a company in Boston to address issues but then suffered significant losses due to the stock market decline during 1973-1974, resulting in Bogle being voted off the board. He then, on September 26, 1974; founded Vanguard Investments under the name Vanguard, after the ship HMS Vanguard used by Admiral Nelson in the Battle of the Nile. The company is one of the largest fund management companies in the US. Its well-known investment targets include VTI, VOO, VEA, VTV, BND, VUG, VWO.
As of May 2024, its global managed assets are approximately $9.3 trillion. It is the world's largest mutual fund provider and the second largest exchange-traded fund (ETF) provider behind BlackRock's iShares. In addition to mutual funds and ETFs, Vanguard also offers brokerage services, education account services, financial planning, asset management, and trust services. Vanguard manages multiple mutual funds that are among the top in the US mutual fund assets management rankings. Along with BlackRock and State Street, Vanguard is considered one of the three dominant index fund management companies in the US corporate world, the three pillars of Wall Street. On Wall Street, Vanguard's stock investment efforts have always surpassed those of BlackRock.
In 1999, Bogle reached the mandatory retirement age of 70 for the company and retired as Chairman of the Vanguard Group, with John J. Brennan (“Jack”) succeeding him. In February 2008, F. William McNabb III became President, and in August 2008, he became Chief Executive Officer. Bogle's two successors expanded Vanguard Group's products beyond Bogle's preferred index mutual funds, particularly exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and actively managed funds. However, some of Vanguard Group's actively managed funds existed even before Bogle's retirement (their healthcare stock fund began in 1984). Bogle has always been skeptical of ETFs because they trade like stocks at noon, while mutual funds trade at a single price at the close. He believes that buy-and-hold investors can take full advantage of ETFs tracking broad indices, but he believes that ETFs may charge higher fees due to bid-ask spreads and may be too specialized, worrying that any stock that can be traded at noon will be traded at noon, potentially reducing investor returns.
In May 2017, Vanguard launched a fund platform in the United Kingdom.
In July 2017, the company announced that Chief Investment Officer Mortimer J. Buckley would replace McNabb as Chief Executive Officer starting January 1, 2018. McNabb remained Chairman of the company.
In 2020, Vanguard launched digital advisory services and began building an investment team in China. In October 2020, due to concerns about legal compliance, personnel resources, and profitability, Vanguard returned approximately $21 billion of managed assets to Chinese government clients. Regarding its investments in China, the UK's Financial Times reported that the non-profit organization ProsperUS Alliance criticized Vanguard for being a conduit through which American investment funds were funneled to Chinese military companies and companies sanctioned for human rights violations.
In February 2021, Vanguard launched its fractional share plan for exchange-traded funds (ETFs), allowing investors to invest with just $1. Fractional share ownership is a derivative of micro-investing, a form of investment strategy designed to make investing regular, accessible, and affordable, especially for those who may not have much money to invest or are new to investing.
Vanguard has long been the subject of conspiracy theories, including those involving Vanguard's alleged involvement in plotting the COVID-19 pandemic. Some Vanguard conspiracy theories also incorporate anti-Semitism, such as falsely claiming that Vanguard's Chief Executive Officer Mortimer J. Buckley is Jewish, when he is actually an Irish Catholic, a member of a Jewish conspiracy group responsible for COVID and the 'COVID agenda.'
In November 2022, Vanguard launched its retirement funds in Australia under the name Vanguard Super.
In May 14, 2024, Vanguard Group announced the appointment of BlackRock senior executive Salim Ramji to succeed Tim Buckley as the next CEO. Ramji is the first external person to lead Vanguard Group and he took office on July 8, 2024.
The Vanguard Group, Blackstone Group, and State Street Global Advisors are also the three largest and most important strategic investors and major shareholders of Tesla, apart from Elon Musk.
Manage your stock account investment transactions just like handling individual retirement accounts (IRA) and 401(K) funding accounts at Vanguard.
Accumulate strength, next attempt to test 219.800–223.980–228.200, waiting for fundamental changes.
Preferring rises and disliking falls is doomed to lack of achievements in the US stock market.
The road to investing in stocks is full of ups and downs! The right way to invest in US stocks is to offer timely help rather than adding extravagance.
1.60% of Tesla stock positions will be locked in for long-term trends, main trend goals and directional value investment, held for the long term.
2.40% of Tesla positions are used for investing and trading in secondary trends, short-term trends, and short-term trends of Tesla.
Forming Special Funds for deep-fall re-buy in Tesla: when Tesla's stock price enters the range of 211.700-182.000, there will be a planned, step-by-step, graduated, discrete random variable, positioning and layout. Positions will not be considered above 211.700 for building new long positions.
Manage your stock account investment transactions just like handling individual retirement accounts (IRA) and 401(K) funding accounts at Vanguard.
Manage your stock account investment transactions just like handling individual retirement accounts (IRA) and 401(K) funding accounts at Vanguard.
Manage your stock account investment transactions just like handling individual retirement accounts (IRA) and 401(K) funding accounts at Vanguard.
Manage your stock account investment transactions just like handling individual retirement accounts (IRA) and 401(K) funding accounts at Vanguard.
Manage your stock account investment transactions just like handling individual retirement accounts (IRA) and 401(K) funding accounts at Vanguard.
Manage your stock account investment transactions just like handling individual retirement accounts (IRA) and 401(K) funding accounts at Vanguard.
Manage your stock account investment transactions just like handling individual retirement accounts (IRA) and 401(K) funding accounts at Vanguard.
Video playback link🔗 - YouTube
Manage your stock account investment transactions just like handling individual retirement accounts (IRA) and 401(K) funding accounts at Vanguard.
Video playback link🔗 - YouTube
Daily Devotion - August 22, 2024

God is at work for you.

David Wilkerson.

Listen immediately.
Do you think God would just stand by and let the devil have his way with you? If God does not take action when you need him, then he is nothing but the false god Baal.

In 1 Kings, Elijah had a showdown with the prophets of Baal at Mount Carmel, where an altar was built. The test was to show that the God who answers prayers is the true God! Elijah prayed for fire to come down supernaturally on the sacrifice he placed on the altar and it indeed happened.

However, before Elijah's prayer was answered, the prophets of Baal shouted, cried and begged from morning till noon for their god to respond. "So they took the bull which was given them, and they prepared it, and called on the name of Baal from morning even till noon, saying, 'O Baal, hear us!' But there was no voice; no one answered. . . ." (1 Kings 18:26, NKJV).

Elijah mocked the false prophets, saying, "Cry aloud, for he is a god; either he is meditating, or he is busy, or he is on a journey, or perhaps he is sleeping and must be awakened." (1 Kings 18:27) Elijah said, "Where is your god? Is he on vacation? Is he sleeping? He must be out for a walk."

If God does not answer our prayers, we will mock Him in the same way. You see, when we pray, His honor is at stake, and He will not be mocked for not responding. The Bible says: "He will not let your foot slip; he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep." (Psalm 121:3-4) Our God is always awake, attentive to all our needs. "Those who pursue evil schemes are near, but they are far from your law. You are near, Lord, and all your commands are true." (Psalm 119:150-151)

The glory and truth in this passage can change your life, bringing you peace and unprecedented tranquility. Once you understand the truth that God is always with you, loving you, and by your side, all fears and anxieties will disappear.

DAILY DEVOTIONAL – August 22, 2024

God Acts on Your Behalf

By David Wilkerson

Listen Now
Do you think the Lord is going to sit by passively and let the devil do to you what he pleases? If God didn’t act on your behalf when you needed him, he would be nothing more than the false god Baal.

In 1 Kings, Elijah has a showdown with the prophets of Baal at Mount Carmel, where an altar was built. The test was that the god who answers prayer will be God! Elijah prayed that fire would fall supernaturally on the sacrifice he laid on the altar, and that is exactly what happened.

Before Elijah’s prayer was answered, the prophets of Baal danced from morning until noon, crying out, begging, and pleading with their god to respond. They took the bull given to them, prepared it, and called upon the name of Baal from morning till noon, saying, ‘O Baal, hear us!’ But there was no voice; no one answered… (1 Kings 18:26, NKJV).

Elijah mocked the false prophets by saying, “Cry aloud, for he is a god; either he is meditating, or he is busy, or he is on a journey, or perhaps he is sleeping and must be awakened” (1 Kings 18:27). Elijah was questioning, “Where is your god? Is he on vacation? Is he sleeping? He must be out walking somewhere.”

We could mock God if He did not answer when we prayed. His honor is at stake when we pray, and He will not be mocked for not answering. The Bible says: “He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep” (Psalm 121:3-4). Our God is awake at all times and attentive to our every need. “Those who follow after wickedness draw near; they are far from Your law. You are near, O Lord, and all Your commandments are truth” (Psalm 119:150-151).

The glorious truth in this passage can change your life, bringing you peace and giving you rest beyond anything you have yet experienced. Once you understand the truth of God’s constant nearness to you, that He loves you and is continually near you, all fear and anxiety must go.
Kamala Harris will be elected president of the USA. While Tesla's CEO Elon Musk supported former president and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, a president is better suited for the long-term success of this electric car giant. Harris is much better for Tesla's electric vehicles and core storage businesses. However, it is much more difficult to determine who will excel in vehicle autonomy. Both parties are particularly good in autonomous driving vehicles. Unfortunately, Trump is a lunatic, usually not appointing the best candidates, so even though I generally prefer Republicans, I might still trust Kamala more in the core business of actually generating income and profits (electric vehicles and storage) – she would be much better. Evaluating in AI/AV is much more difficult. Both parties are not particularly good. Trump hopes to *slow down* the arrival of sustainable energy and transportation. He has made this clear through his previous actions and current policy positions.

The Democratic Party's passed Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) disproportionately benefits this electric car giant. This act disproportionately serves Tesla rather than traditional auto manufacturers, as the company is also involved in solar deployment and manufacturing, charging manufacturing and deployment, fixed storage manufacturing and deployment, battery manufacturing, lithium refining, and other activities incentivized by this act. It is pointed out that traditional auto manufacturers are not involved in many of these activities. There is no truth to Democrats disliking Tesla. Even after (Tesla CEO Elon Musk) sent out harsh tweets about Newsom, Biden, or other Democrats, their team and government did not shut me or my team out and worked professionally with Tesla to achieve greater benefits. Despite criticism from Musk, California Governor Gavin Newsom and his team still “bent over” to assist this electric car giant. Despite the “apparent disappointment” between the president and Musk, Biden's administration has treated this electric car giant fairly on certain issues.

There is no doubt that Biden is heavily biased against unions and appoints union supporters to the nlrb to make it easier to organize. However, this does not often lead to substantive issues, but rather seems more like public relations and superficial disappointment. Tesla's CEO stands with Trump: Musk officially supported Trump in July after a shooting incident at a rally in Pennsylvania. The former president is seeking to cancel subsidies for electric cars. However, Musk said in the company's second-quarter earnings in late July that the impact of subsidy cancellation is negligible for Tesla but devastating for its competitors. He added that in the long run, canceling electric car subsidies may help Tesla. Earlier this month, Musk also interviewed Trump on his social media platform X, where they discussed topics such as establishing a "government efficiency committee" aimed at preventing the accumulation of laws and regulations. Musk expressed willingness to be part of the committee. Trump also mentioned in an interview with Reuters this week that if this billionaire regains the White House, he would be willing to appoint the billionaire to a cabinet or advisory position.
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