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Overcoming strong travel demand vs. labor shortages in hotels and inns!

* Stock Code: 5136
* Company name: Tripura Co., Ltd.
* Date of establishment: 2015/4/15
* Capital: 388 million yen (as of 2022/10)
* Industry: Information and Communications
* Market capitalization: 14 billion yen
* Comparable brands: Airtri, Plus Zero, Scala
* Planned financial results announcement date: September 14, 2023
* Number of issued shares: 5,499,900 shares

Tripla is an IT company that provides the cloud-based official website reservation system “Tripla Book” and the AI chatbot “Tripla Bot” for lodging facilities.

Umami was established in 2015, and the company name was changed to tripla in 2017. We released the current Bot in 2017, the current Book in 2019, and Connect and Pay in 2022. It was listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Market in November 2022.

Tripura's stock price rose to +140 yen (+5.81%) from the previous day on 2023/8/10.
It is thought that the impact is that Tripura is preparing to announce financial results on 2023/9/14 and that expectations for recovery in the lodging industry are growing.
**Tripura Book**

- Improved ease of booking
- You can easily add a booking function to your website.
- Customizable booking forms can be created.

- Improved booking conversion rates
- Improve conversion rates by optimizing reservation form designs and processes.
- It is possible to further improve the conversion rate by analyzing reservation data.

- Member organizations and loyalty programs
- Easily create membership organizations and loyalty programs.
- It is possible to improve customer satisfaction and increase repeat rates.

- Marketing collaboration
- Meta-search links such as Google Hotel Ads and Free Booking Links are possible.
- Display prices on our website and realize customer delivery from travel curation media.

- CRM integration
- Can be linked with CRM that uses standard APIs.
- Using the tripla API, you can analyze customer behavior and take effective marketing actions.

**Tripura chatbot**

- Reduced customer support load
- Reduce email and phone burdens by reducing inquiries.
- There are case studies where emails have been reduced by around 60% and phone calls by about 40%.

- Increased customer satisfaction
- Gather more voices and contribute to improving customer satisfaction.

- Multilingual support
- Compatible with English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Korean.

- Integration with internal chat tools
- It is possible to link with LINE WORKS and Slack.

- Support ticket function
- Provides support ticket functionality.
- Ticketing issues and sharing them internally to prevent issues that take time to resolve.

**Tripura Connect**

- Centralized management of customer information
- Centralized management of all customer information, from prospects to guests.
- Member information can also be managed.

- Customer segmentation
- Can be segmented based on customer characteristics.
- Sales promotion for each segment is possible.

- marketing actions
- It is possible to distribute e-mail newsletters, perform AI chatbot actions, and recommend accommodation plans for each segment.

- Standard system linkage
- Can be linked to booking engines and AI chatbots.
- PMS data can also be imported.

**Tripura Pay**

- Lowest rates in the industry
- We provide local credit card payments at the lowest level in the lodging industry.

- No fixed costs
- No initial or monthly fees.
- Only fees are charged according to the payment amount.

- Face-to-face payments
- Payments are made via QR codes, so there is no need to hand over a credit card.

- Various usage scenarios
- Can be used not only to pay for accommodation, but also to collect cancellation fees.

- Check the payment status on the Tripura dashboard
- You can check the payment status immediately on the Tripura management screen.
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Overcoming strong travel demand vs. labor shortages in hotels and inns!
Overcoming strong travel demand vs. labor shortages in hotels and inns!
Overcoming strong travel demand vs. labor shortages in hotels and inns!
Overcoming strong travel demand vs. labor shortages in hotels and inns!
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