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The August CPI data is about to be released, what impact will it bring?
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Oversold Bounce? What’s Really Going On With the Market?

Today, the market decided to give us a little bounce, and interestingly, there wasn’t much in the way of breaking news to justify it. If you were watching the SPX (S&P 500 Index), you probably noticed it flirting with the 5400 level last week—a major support line. So, was today’s move just an oversold bounce? Quite possibly. But with no real driving force, this could be just a temporary breather before the market makes its next big move.
The curious thing is that nothing huge dropped today in terms of news. No earth-shattering earnings reports, no surprise economic data, and yet, the market decided to move. Could it be that investors are simply playing the waiting game for the bigger news to come later this week?
What’s on Deck? The Week’s Economic Calendar
Let’s take a look at the lineup for this week. If you’re like me, you’re already eyeing Wednesday, when the Core CPI (Consumer Price Index) numbers are released. This report is huge, as it shows the inflation trend minus the volatile food and energy prices, giving investors a clearer view of underlying inflation pressures.

Then, just to keep us all on our toes, Thursday follows with the Core PPI (Producer Price Index). If Wednesday’s CPI tells us what we’re paying at the register, the PPI shows us the cost for producers. Both are critical to understanding where inflation is headed, and we know inflation and interest rates have been the driving forces behind the market all year.
Finally, Friday drops the Sentiment and Inflation numbers. This data is key for gauging how consumers are feeling. Remember, if the consumer feels bad, they’re less likely to spend, and that could hit the economy hard.
Why Monday and Tuesday Are Wildcards?
Here’s where things get interesting. According to Alpha Crunching Daily Forecasts, both Monday and Tuesday this week are expected to have a choppy bias. Translation: The market could be like a boat in rough seas—plenty of movement but not much direction. In other words, we might see the market swing between gains and losses without a clear trend emerging, as everyone waits for Wednesday’s Core CPI report to really move the needle.

It’s like we’re all at a party, but the main event hasn’t started yet. People are mingling, drinks are being poured, but no one is hitting the dance floor until the DJ drops the beat on Wednesday.
What’s Next? CPI and Beyond

Now, let’s talk about what comes after Wednesday’s Core CPI report. If the CPI comes in hotter than expected, brace yourself—we could see another leg lower in the market. That’s when the real fun begins

If the market crashes down there, odds are good that we’ll see some buying activity as investors look for bargains. It’s like when everyone rushes to the clearance rack at the end of a sale—people love a good deal.

But, hey, one day at a time. We’ll take a wait-and-see approach, especially with the potential volatility ahead.

Why This Week Matters

This week could set the tone for the rest of the month, and September isn’t known for being kind to investors. Historically, it’s one of the weakest months for the stock market. But that’s exactly why paying attention to these key reports—CPI, PPI, and sentiment numbers—is critical. They’ll give us clues about where inflation is headed and whether the Fed might ease up or keep the pressure on with interest rates.

Either way, buckle up. It’s going to be a ride, and we’re not even at the halfway point yet.

The Takeaway

If you’ve been watching the market bounce today and thinking, “What gives?”—don’t worry, you’re not alone. This is likely an oversold bounce with no real news pushing the market, just some pent-up energy flirting. The real fireworks could happen after the inflation reports later this week.
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