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The August CPI data is about to be released, what impact will it bring?
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Stocks Drop to New Low: A Wild Week on Wall Street (But Don’t Panic, It’s Not All Doom and Gloom)

Ah, September—the month where everything feels just a little off, from unpredictable weather to even more unpredictable markets. If you woke up the past few days hoping for some good news in your portfolio, you probably choked on your coffee when you saw the headlines: “Stocks Drop to New Lower Put Wall.” Yeah, I hear you.

It’s a pretty rough one, and the SPX took a pretty big hit, dropping almost 100 points and closing near the lows of the day. The culprit? A weaker-than-expected jobs report, which had the market reacting like a kid who didn’t get dessert. But fear not! While it may feel like the sky is falling, this rollercoaster is just part of the ride.
Let’s dive into what went down and why this might just be the perfect storm for a bounce-back.
The Jobs Report: Not Quite What We Hoped For
So what exactly happened? In short, the jobs report came in weaker than expected. The market, being the emotional creature it is, did not take this news well. And just like that, boom—SPX was down almost 100 points. It wasn’t just a dip; it was more like a belly flop into a pool with no water. Ouch.
To make matters worse (or maybe more interesting), the SPX put wall had dropped from 5500 to 5400 ahead of the report, meaning traders were already bracing for some bad news. The interest in puts below the price signalled that people were anticipating a drop, and well, they weren’t wrong.
Catching a Falling Knife? Not Today, Satan
Now, if you’re the kind of person who likes to “buy the dip,” you might’ve been tempted to dive in headfirst yesterday. But let me tell you, trying to catch a falling knife is never a good idea. Trust me, I’ve got the scars to prove it.
We’re probably due for a bounce—markets rarely just freefall forever—but yesterday was not the day to be a hero. Sometimes, the best move is to sit on your hands, pour yourself a drink, and wait for the market to chill out. And that’s exactly what I did.
September Strikes Again: Why This Month Always Feels Like a Bad Sequel
If you’ve been in the markets long enough, you already know September has a reputation. It’s like that one character in a horror movie who always trips while running away from the killer. Statistically speaking, it’s typically a weak month for stocks, and this year seems to be no different.
Sure, history doesn’t always repeat itself, but it sure does rhyme. And if you’ve ever tried to time the market in September, you know it can be like trying to predict what a cat’s going to do next. Just when you think you’ve got it figured out, it goes and does the exact opposite.
Monday, Monday: What Comes Next?
So, what’s next? Well, we’ll see where the market opens on Monday. After a rough close like yesterday, I’ll be keeping my eyes peeled for short-term bullish trades. That’s right—I’m still optimistic about a bounce.
I even priced out a 14DTE Iron Condor (and got a pretty decent price range, I might add). But after a day like yesterday, I’d rather wait until Monday to put any new money to work. Let’s see if the market gives us a little more clarity before we go tossing our hard-earned cash around.
I’m a big believer in not making rash decisions when the market’s throwing a tantrum. Sometimes, the best play is to take a step back, let the dust settle, and re-enter when you’ve got a clearer view of the battlefield.
The Weekend: Time to Chill (For Real This Time)
So, here we are—another wild week on Wall Street in the books. It’s tempting to stress out and start making all kinds of rash decisions, but honestly? The weekend is a great time to just step away, recharge, and remind yourself that this is all part of the game.
Markets go up, they go down, and sometimes they throw you for a loop. But that’s what makes it exciting, right? If it were easy, everyone would be doing it. So take a breather, enjoy your weekend, and we’ll pick it back up on Monday when the market opens again.
Until then, hold tight, enjoy the ride, and maybe even laugh a little—it’s just money, after all… right?
Have a great weekend!
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