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Purchases will begin (2024/8/1)

Hello everyone~
Today's movements in US stocks were quite interesting. What surprised me in particular was that NVIDIA had a big increase over AMD, which had good financial results.
Well, today I'd like to take a look at indices for a bit.
Purchases will begin (2024/8/1)
Here is the daily chart for the SP500. It was the 5th day since the bottom (provisional) was recorded yesterday, and since the volume was traded far above average at this timing, the stock price rose and closed, so it was determined that the market was on the rise for now. I was surprised because I thought it would decline for a while longer.
Therefore, starting today, I would like to purchase new individual stocks. (I can't buy the stocks I'm paying attention to because the chart hasn't been completed yet)
Next, let's take a look at the increase or decrease in stocks held today.
Purchases will begin (2024/8/1)
Japanese stocks are dying... is it still an effect of interest rate hikes and the appreciation of the yen? I don't like that my dollar assets have also been reduced due to the appreciation of the yen.
Yes, is it like this today~
Well then, see you tomorrow~~
Shares held
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アイコンのラノベ(死亡遊戯で飯を食う。)めっちゃオススメです! アニメ化だぁ!!!ワッショイ!! 現物投資/日本株/米国株/canslim