First, as a result of investing in a wide range of industries in January, taking advantage of rising exchange rates between Japan and the US, an increase of almost the same level as the market was obtained. One of the major turning points was the brand swap that was carried out little by little in January, and we narrowed it down to 8 brands in the 3 industries of technology, insurance, and automobiles. As a result, we were able to greatly outperform the market from February to March. Meanwhile, there was a big decline in April, but even so, I think the reason they did not underperform above the market average is because they were narrowed down to stocks with good corporate performance. Furthermore, it was May-June that my results improved significantly. Since NVDA's very strong financial results and prospects were confirmed in May, risk was overwhelmingly low compared to other industries, and returns were increased, so the investment ratio was greatly increased. As a result, we were able to further increase our profit margin in the first half of the year.
タマタマカネモチ : I invested with zero predictions and analysis, but it increased by about 0.1 billion in the first half of the year. I'm 26 years old and have 0.2 billion assets, but it's still not a big deal
さとこじ OP タマタマカネモチ : I think it's just a little bit pitiful that you can't analyze it, but wouldn't it be that bad if it was 0.2 billion dollars in Alassar?
From my point of view, I don't think people in Alasaa are that old men or old men, so please do your best!
MONGARA : That's a great record! If you don't mind, I'd like you to tell me the stocks that contributed
Is it NVDA or something after all?
さとこじ OP MONGARA : Thank you so much for your reaction! After all, NVDA had the highest profit margin. Other contributions were made by SHOP, ALL, AMD, IBN, etc.
MONGARA さとこじ OP : Thank you so much for your answers! It's very helpful![undefined [undefined]](
さとこじ OP : No, my friends around me can hardly talk about stocks, so I'm happy. The hashtag has changed, but I also wrote ②, so take a look.