151278629 : Don’t get fooled, when you are down 50%, you need to go up 100% to climb back. So don’t get excited by 10-20% rise.
lim gordon : coy has their auditors resigned ans have a poor ER-this prolly some dead cat bounce
JC1616 OP : Bro chill, I am shorting jt
Fatt88888888 JC1616 OP : man. i exited my shorts before. are you bleeding in your position
JC1616 OP Fatt88888888 : I just started to short just now …
151278629 : Don’t get fooled, when you are down 50%, you need to go up 100% to climb back. So don’t get excited by 10-20% rise.
lim gordon : coy has their auditors resigned ans have a poor ER-this prolly some dead cat bounce
JC1616 OP : Bro chill, I am shorting jt
Fatt88888888 JC1616 OP : man. i exited my shorts before. are you bleeding in your position
JC1616 OP Fatt88888888 : I just started to short just now …