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The saying "height cannot defeat the cold" and the modern meaning of refuge cities.

Song of the Water Chateau
On the mid-autumn night of the Bingchen year, we drank and revelled until dawn, completely drunk, and wrote this poem while thinking of Ziyuan.
When will the bright moon appear? I raise my wine and ask the blue sky.
I don't know the palace in the sky, what year is it tonight.
I want to ride the wind back, but I am afraid of the Qiong tower and jade palace. The higher you go, the colder it gets..
Dancing with the clear shadow, how can it compare to being in the human world?
Turning the vermilion tower, lowering the beautiful windows, illuminating the sleepless.
There should be no resentment, why does the separation always seem complete?
People experience joy and sorrow, parting and reunion, just as the moon waxes and wanes. This is an ancient truth.
Wishing that people may live together for a long time, sharing the beauty of the moon even when thousands of miles apart.
The saying "height cannot defeat the cold" and the modern meaning of refuge cities.
The saying "height cannot defeat the cold" and the modern meaning of refuge cities.
The saying "height cannot defeat the cold" and the modern meaning of refuge cities.
The refuge cities were scattered in the kingdom of Israel and the kingdom of Judah. When the Israelites entered Canaan, God arranged six refuge cities, with three in Canaan and three on the east side of the Jordan River (Numbers 35:13-14). These six cities were scattered throughout the land, each person not far from a refuge city, allowing those who had committed accidental manslaughter to flee there (Numbers 35:15) and find sanctuary.
According to Jewish tradition, the standard width of a general road is 16 cubits, but the road leading to the refuge city must be twice as wide (Talmud Bava Batra 100b), and it must be straight and level, with the word "refuge city" repeated at every intersection (Mishnah Sefer HaChinukh 520:1). The numerical value of the Hebrew letters for "refuge city" is 179+179=358, which is exactly the numerical value of "Messiah".
These refuge cities were all cities of the Levites (Numbers 35:6), and the elders and the congregation in the cities were specifically responsible for teaching the scriptures. Those who committed accidental manslaughter were to live in the city, and they could only leave the refuge city when the high priest at that time died, granting them freedom. Jewish tradition holds that the mother of the high priest would provide food and clothing for the refugees living in the refuge cities, so that they would not pray for the early death of the high priest, but rather wish for his longevity. Jewish tradition also stipulates that the court must provide material and spiritual support for the refugees. If a disciple fled to a refuge city, his mentor must also move to the refuge city to continue teaching him.
The refuge cities foreshadow the salvation of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. The salvation prepared by God for humanity is not far from us, and obtaining salvation is not difficult. The question is whether people recognize their need for a refuge city and are willing to flee to it.
The saying "height cannot defeat the cold" and the modern meaning of refuge cities.
The saying "height cannot defeat the cold" and the modern meaning of refuge cities.
The saying "height cannot defeat the cold" and the modern meaning of refuge cities.
The saying "height cannot defeat the cold" and the modern meaning of refuge cities.
The saying "height cannot defeat the cold" and the modern meaning of refuge cities.
Einstein's escape from Germany was a significant event for the global scientific community. In 1933, the year Einstein fled, there were only five people in the united states who had won the Nobel Prize in the natural sciences, while Germany had 31 Nobel Prize winners, six times that of the united states. 72 years after Einstein permanently renounced his German citizenship, Germany designated 2005 as the "Year of Einstein" and inscribed Einstein's political creed on government buildings: "The state is established for man, not man for the state." Einstein's greatest contribution was not only his discovery of the theory of relativity, but also his keen awareness of politics. Einstein and his wife Elsa successfully fled Germany on the day Hitler officially became the Chancellor and Germany entered the Nazi era. Einstein immediately began to systematically and systematically eliminate the cultural influence of the Jews. Many Jews who did not flee died in the Holocaust. History tells us that in any era, the fate of those who see the essence in one second and those who spend half their lives unable to see clearly will naturally be very different.
爱因斯坦的逃离德国对全世界的科学界来讲是一个重大标志性事件,大家知道,之前德国是全世界科学最发达的国家,在1933年,也就是爱因斯坦逃离的那一年,美国总共才有五个人获得过诺贝尔奖的自然科学奖,而德国这时候已经有三十一个人得过诺贝尔奖了,是美国的六倍。爱因斯坦永久放弃德国国籍72年后,德国决定将2005年命名为“爱因斯坦年”,将爱因斯坦的政治信条刻在政府大楼上:“国家是为人而设立的,而人不是为国家而生存。”爱因斯坦是个大牛人,但我认为他最牛的地方不是发现了相对论,而是他对政治的高度敏感。1933年1月30日,希特勒正式就任德国总理,德国进入纳粹时代。就在同一天,爱因斯坦携妻子爱尔莎一道,成功逃离德国,踏上了去美国访问的旅途。纳粹对犹太人的歧视、迫害,早在希特勒攫取最高权力前就已经开始了,只是程度远没有后来那么严重,但爱因斯坦还是从一些纳粹的日常表现中看到了危险。1931年,在一封写给朋友的信中,爱因斯坦表明了自己想要放弃德国国籍的想法。“议会的解散,经济的崩溃,纳粹分子的巷战,共和党的软弱,所有这些预示着将要到来的灾难。”在希特勒还没有执掌政权时,爱因斯坦就在考虑永久地离开德国了。希特勒一上台,便立即开始有计划有组织地清除犹太人的文化影响。1933年3月2日,爱因斯坦,还有一批艺术家和作家,遭到了纳粹党报《民族观察者》的猛烈抨击。1933年3月10日,爱因斯坦在美国发表讲话:“只要我还能有所选择,我只愿意生活在一个政治自由、宽容且在法律面前人人平等的国家里。言论自由和书面发表政治意见的自由也是政治自由中的一个部分,尊重个人信仰是宽容的一部分。这些条件目前在德国都不存在。在那里,特别是那些以促进国际间相互理解为事业的人正惨遭迫害。”1933年5月,负责宣传的戈培尔煽动了德国国内的“焚书行动”(焚烧政治上不正确的图书)。诗人海因里希·海涅曾经预言性地认为,从焚书到烧人仅有一步之遥。远在美国的爱因斯坦拒绝了德国大使让他返回德国的命令,而是乘船返回欧洲,于5月26日到达布鲁塞尔的德国公使馆,交还护照,宣布放弃德国国籍。从这一刻起,爱因斯坦永远地与德国断绝了关系。与爱因斯坦同样对纳粹有清醒认识的人还有德国的哲学家卡西勒。1933年春天,希特勒当上德国总理不久,卡西勒就洞察了纳粹的本质,他毫不怀疑纳粹会做出任何疯狂的举动。将犹太人赶尽杀绝,是纳粹党的目标,这一目标也从来没有改变过。卡西勒私下对妻子说:“我们这种人在德国没有什么可追求,也没有什么可期盼的了。”又说:“我猜想这个政权将持续十年,但是它激起的邪恶可能持续一百五十年。”1933年5月2日,希特勒当上德国总理后的第四个月,卡西勒辞去汉堡大学校长职务,及时逃离了德国,他先是在英国牛津大学讲学,后又去了瑞典和美国授课,1945年在纽约逝世。当戈培尔焚书的消息传到另一位思想巨匠弗洛伊德耳里的时候(弗洛伊德的书也在焚毁之列),生活在维也纳的弗洛伊德颇为天真地说:“他们进步多了!要在中世纪,他们烧掉的就是我了,如今他们只烧我的书就感到满意了。”此时的弗洛伊德认为纳粹只会焚书,不会烧人。至少,作为奥地利公民,弗洛伊德认为自身是安全的。但弗洛伊德的天真很快就碎了一地。1938年3月11日,德军侵入奥地利。朋友最终用“泰坦尼克号”上二副的故事说服了弗洛伊德。弗洛伊德终于下定决心带全家移民英国,但此时已经困难重重了。万幸的是,国际社会对弗洛伊德个人的安危表达了强烈的关注。按照总统罗斯福的指示,一辆美国使馆的汽车日夜停在弗洛伊德住所附近。一旦弗洛伊德的生命受到威胁,这辆汽车就以美国的名义进行干预、拯救。迫于国际压力,纳粹德国同意弗洛伊德出境,但是必须缴纳超过0.03 million马克的“帝国逃亡税”。 6月4日,弗洛伊德和他的家人乘火车离开了维也纳,定居于英国伦敦。像爱因斯坦、卡西勒、弗洛伊德这样及早逃离了的犹太人,相对数字是很小的,有大量没有逃离的犹太人死于纳粹的大屠杀中。这其中,有很多人本来是完全可能在纳粹统治的早期逃离的。而他们之所以没有逃离,最终在大屠杀中丧生,最重要的原因,一是对于德国的热爱,一是对于纳粹的错误认知。他们不愿意相信德国最终没有他们的容身之地。例如诺贝尔化学奖得主弗里茨﹒哈伯便是一位曾经把自己全身心奉献给德国,并且自以为崇高的犹太科学家。在纳粹上台后,哈伯被驱逐出境,因此精神大受打击,第二年(1934年)便去世了。爱因斯坦和卡西勒先跑了,携全家一起,风清云淡;弗洛伊德跑晚了,扔掉一大笔财富,还饱受各种刁难,但总算是跑了;剩下的那些在大屠杀开始后才想起要跑的,则完全跑不了了。历史告诉我们:在任何时代,在一秒钟内看到本质的人,和花半辈子看不清的人,命运自然是大不一样。
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