If fate doesn't make you laugh, it's because you didn't understand the joke. If financial transactions do not make you rich, it is because you have not realized the true meaning of financial transactions!
A picture of the Nobel Prize winner in physics reflects the differences in ideological freedom, academic freedom, educational concepts and scientific research among all ethnic groups in the world. There is no turning to overtake. Only freedom, equality and fraternity can lead to the prosperity of thought, scholarship and science. The so-called height of unanimity, height of unity, can only produce a pool of stagnant water, standing still, ten thousand horses stood. This is the most fundamental cause of the gap between East and West.
随着第二次世界大战告终,玻尔在1945年8月25日回到了哥本哈根,并于9月21日重新当选为丹麦皇家科学院院长。1947年10月17日,在克里斯蒂安十世的追悼仪式上,国王弗雷德里克九世宣布授予玻尔大象勋章。通常只有王室成员和国家元首能获此殊荣。国王说这一荣誉不仅仅只是授予玻尔个人,更是授予整个丹麦科学界。玻尔设计了自己的纹章。纹章中附有太极图以及格言“对立即互补”(拉丁语:contraria sunt complementa)。
Following the introduction of China's groundbreaking DeepSeek technology, Wall Street giants have revised their investment outlooks for the Chinese market.