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Financial history big data proves that speculating will never beat long-term value investment.

Core Tips:🔔The principle of shareholding expansion: transitioning from an electric auto manufacturer to an Artificial Intelligence deep development application company + energy storage company + self-driving FSD + RoboTaxis (robot taxi) software company + Optimus (Prime) humanoid robot company.Artificial Intelligence deep development application company+Energy storage company+FSD+RoboTaxis (robot taxis) software company specializing in self-driving cars+Optimus (Optimus Prime) humanoid robot company.This is where Elon Musk's determination to change the world with Tesla lies, as well as the belief of the bulls that the world will be changed. You have the right to continue to think that Elon Musk is making empty promises in order to raise money. However, once Tesla perfects the self-driving FSD+RoboTaxis (robot taxis) software, it will mark the beginning of a soaring Tesla stock price. When you cannot coexist with uncertainty, reject and deny emerging things that are still in a vague stage, you also forfeit the future.209.720-207.520For air identification zone;207.520-205.970-204.050-202.130To prevent the air defense firepower ambush circle;To start the special fund area of heavy repurchase after deep decline. Investors and traders can handle it according to their own situation.To start the deep decline and buy back special funds. Investors can respond according to their own situation. Just as Vanguard manages individual retirement accounts (IRA) and 401(k) accounts, they should also handle their stock trading in the investment account.
Elon Musk predicted in 2020 that by 2040, all cars produced will be 100% electric and fully autonomous. Now he says, "99% may be correct."
Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has updated his predictions for the future of electric and self-driving cars in 2020.

What happened: On Friday, Musk responded to a video about his predictions for the future of electric and self-driving cars in 2020.

In the video, Musk predicted that by 2040, all cars produced will be electric and fully self-driving.

"Currently, only a few percent of new cars are electric, and at least none are fully self-driving. But in 20 years, it may be basically 100% electric, 100% fully self-driving," he said at the time.

In response to the video, Musk modified his prediction, suggesting that around 99% of cars produced in 2040 will be electric and fully self-driving, instead of the 100% he previously stated.

He said, "It's easy to predict. 'All' is a strong word, but ~99% may be correct."

It's easy to predict.
"'All' sounds exaggerated, but around 99% may be correct."

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 6, 2024

Significance: In early March of this year, Musk estimated that most cars on the road would take at least ten years to achieve self-driving.

He acknowledges that concerns about self-driving technology are valid, but believes that these issues can be resolved within the next decade.

The following month, he reiterated that Tesla is "willing" to license its fully autonomous driving (FSD) technology to other car companies, but at the time there seemed to be no car manufacturer interested.

In late April, Musk hinted that Florida may be the first US state to launch Tesla's self-driving FSD technology, citing the state's relatively relaxed laws on regulating autonomous vehicles.

At the same time, industry experts emphasize that infrastructure is a major obstacle to wider adoption of electric vehicles.

Cox Automotive executive analyst Erin Keating pointed out that electric vehicle sales are surpassing traditional car sales, with a 7% increase in July and an 11.3% increase year-on-year.

Despite the growth in electric vehicle sales, Keating emphasized the ongoing issue of insufficient charging infrastructure. Many potential electric car buyers, especially those living in apartments or without a home garage, face the problem of limited charging stations.
Tesla's valuation system is undergoing profound changes. If you can't see this, you will make a historic mistake. At the same time, premature actions, focusing only on short-term gains, and rushing to achieve results will also bring endless harm.
If someone purchased Berkshire Hathaway stocks in 1965 and held onto them, they made an outstanding investment - while their stockbroker would starve to death. Most retirement funds probably did not buy Berkshire stocks in 1965 and hold onto them until now. If they did, they would have far fewer problems today. At that time, Berkshire's stock price was $22. Today, it is close to $0.133 million.

Warren Edward Buffett said that if he were on Wall Street, he might not be as successful as he is now. On Wall Street, you would be overstimulated. You would hear a lot of news every day, which would turn your attention into short-term, and short-term attention is not good for long-term returns. In Omaha, I only need to care about the true value of each company. I don't need to go to Washington to know how much The Washington Post is worth. I don't need to go to New York to understand the value of other companies. Everything becomes simple. Evaluating the value of a company is a thoughtful process, and the more static the environment is, the more helpful it is to this process. What is a thoughtful process? It refers to the ability to clearly evaluate the value of a company in certain business areas, and then, within your ability, find the company with the lowest stock price relative to its value. For many companies in various fields, I don't have the ability to evaluate their value, like Tesla, which is managed by the genius academician Elon Musk. He is truly outstanding and excellent, which dazzles me. But I also have my own expertise. We can receive mail and journals in Omaha, and we can receive all the information we need to make the right decisions. Unlike Wall Street, where there are 50 people on the street who will tell you what to do. I don't like stimulation, what we need is information and facts.
Warren Edward Buffett had a ten-year bet with Protégé Partners, a hedge fund company on Wall Street, comparing the performance of an exchange-traded fund (ETF) tracking the S&P 500 index against five funds of funds (FoF) selected by Protégé Partners. Buffett bet that the ETF would win, while Protégé Partners bet that FoF would win. Over the course of ten years, FoF outperformed the S&P 500 ETF for only one year, and lagged behind for the other nine years. So the result is that the old fool Buffett won. This bet is actually a comparison of the long-term returns of passive funds and active funds. Passive funds, also known as index funds or ETF funds, track a specific index, such as the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the Toronto Stock Exchange Index, the S&P 500 Index, the Nasdaq Index, and so on. They purchase all or part of the securities included in the index according to certain index composition standards, with the goal of achieving the same level of return as the index and achieving synchronized growth with the market. These funds are also called "lazy funds" because fund managers don't need to do much buying and selling, so the management fee (MER) is very low, generally 0.5% to 0.8%, usually not exceeding 1%.
Financial history big data proves that speculating will never beat long-term value investment.
Financial history big data proves that speculating will never beat long-term value investment.
Financial history big data proves that speculating will never beat long-term value investment.
Financial history big data proves that speculating will never beat long-term value investment.
Financial history big data proves that speculating will never beat long-term value investment.
Financial history big data proves that speculating will never beat long-term value investment.
Financial history big data proves that speculating will never beat long-term value investment.
Financial history big data proves that speculating will never beat long-term value investment.
Financial history big data proves that speculating will never beat long-term value investment.

Improve, expand, and segment the Leonard Esau Baum's Baum-Welch algorithm model, combined with the traditional value investment theory of the stock god Warren Edward Buffett.
For Elias=Jerome, Leonard Esau Baum's Baum-Welch algorithm model and the traditional value investment theory of the stock god Warren Edward Buffett is like the MG42 machine gun in the financial market. It is characterized by high speed and efficiency, with a gun sound similar to "tearing cloth." The bears call it the "death saw." In addition, it has reliability, durability, simplicity, ease of operation, and low cost. Although Elias=Jerome studies theoretical physics and applied mathematics, honestly, some things in Leonard Esau Baum's Baum-Welch algorithm model on the arbitrage platform, such as static parameters, dynamic parameters, functionals, non-functionals, etc., have not been fully understood. It seems that only those who study pure mathematics can thoroughly understand. James Harris Simons has publicly stated that it is their core secret and cannot be disclosed. In addition, Elias=Jerome is weak in computer software and does not know how to use many iOS software, let alone write and structure software programs.
Financial history big data proves that speculating will never beat long-term value investment.
Financial history big data proves that speculating will never beat long-term value investment.
Financial history big data proves that speculating will never beat long-term value investment.
Financial history big data proves that speculating will never beat long-term value investment.
Financial history big data proves that speculating will never beat long-term value investment.
Financial history big data proves that speculating will never beat long-term value investment.
Financial history big data proves that speculating will never beat long-term value investment.
Financial history big data proves that speculating will never beat long-term value investment.
Financial history big data proves that speculating will never beat long-term value investment.
If you are a theoretical physicist, you should know what Elon Musk and Tesla's projects are, what they mean. Only shallow people would think that Musk is running a 'pie in the sky' shop, that it is unrealistic. When you cannot coexist with uncertainty, deny, reject emerging things that are still in the nascent stage, you also lose the future.

The Nobel Prize in Physics winners of 2022 have provided a world-class professional evaluation of Tesla and its projects. Alain Aspect, John Francis Clauser, and Anton Zeilinger have conducted a world-class professional assessment of Tesla and its projects. Elon Musk's industrial projects are almost inseparable from the Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Technology Revolution, which are difficult to distinguish and separate. Tesla, led by Elon Musk, has a very forward-looking layout in the high-tech industry. Tesla's stock price will definitely soar over time.

Nvidia is an important node in Artificial Intelligence, while Tesla and all its industries behind it almost form a complete Artificial Intelligence ecosystem.

On October 4, 2022, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced that the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to French scientist Alain Aspect, American scientist John F. Clauser, and Austrian scientist Anton Zeilinger for their contributions to "the entangled photon experiment, the verification of violation of Bell's inequality, and the establishment of quantum information science." They will share a prize of an average of 10 million Swedish kronor.

Elon Musk is an angel sent by God, a genius academician of the American Academy of Engineering, and also a physicist and software architect. He owns a total of 9 companies, each of which is a subversion of human conventional cognition and will undoubtedly leave an indelible contribution in the history of human development and progress. His aspirations are lofty, far beyond the measurement of mediocre, petty, and despicable people. Currently, only Tesla is publicly traded. If Musk wishes, he can easily surpass any world-class super-rich person by listing any one of his companies, even surpassing the combined wealth of the top ten world-class super-rich people.

Treasure every opportunity brought by the decline of Tesla, buy and layout at low points, and remain unaffected by various noises and temptations, hold for the long term.

Financial history big data proves that speculating will never beat long-term value investment.
One key gap in the American education system, despite its importance, is often overlooked: financial literacy. While students may graduate with a broad knowledge of subjects such as chemistry, history, and language, they receive little practical education about managing personal finances. Financial planning, retirement preparation, and investments are rarely covered, leaving many people unaware of crucial money management skills.

There is a major flaw in the American education system, although I hesitate to even call it a system. When you go through high school, they teach you chemistry, geometry, and physics. You have English classes, history classes, and foreign language classes. You can graduate from college speaking three languages and having a deep understanding of quantum physics or ancient philosophy. But you know what they hardly ever teach you in middle or high school, let alone college? Financial literacy. To be frank, Vanguard and State Street as well as charitable trusts are there to provide practical financial guidance. The importance of retirement planning, although 401(k) plans and individual retirement accounts (IRAs) are key savings tools, many people lack a comprehensive understanding of their benefits and limitations.

That's what we do every day at CNBC's Investment Club, and charitable trusts continuously provide examples. When it comes to managing your money, nothing is more important than retirement. You will eventually stop working - hopefully sooner rather than later, unless you really love your job. I bet most of you, even if you don't own individual stocks, still have some money in a 401(k) plan.

Decades ago, corporate pensions began to decline, and now 401(k) plans are the primary way Americans save for retirement. They are offered by your employer and, along with IRAs, they are one of the largest deferred tax investment vehicles. While making contributions to a 401(k) is widely recommended, it is not always the best strategy for everyone. Despite the tax advantages and ability to defer tax payments, 401(k) plans may have drawbacks, such as hidden fees that can reduce returns. Understanding the benefits and drawbacks of these retirement accounts is crucial for making wise financial decisions. Individuals are encouraged to familiarize themselves with these investment options to ensure their retirement savings are effectively managed. We are obsessed with stocks that hedge funds pour into. The reason is simple: our research shows that we can outperform the market by mimicking the top stock picks of the best hedge funds.

Prior to the robitaxi event on October 10th, the stock of the company. Despite Tesla's stock price falling by about 13% year to date, Piper Sandler analysts maintained a buy rating on the stock and a target price of over $300. The upcoming event may reignite investor interest and potentially drive the stock price higher. Tesla's strong performance in the second quarter of 2024 shows promising prospects. The company reported revenue of $30.4 billion, a 14% year-over-year increase, and net income of $2.9 billion, exceeding analysts' expectations. This robust financial performance is driven by high sales volume of electric vehicles (EVs) and improved operational efficiency, raising its gross margin to 23.1%.

Positive Outlook for Tesla: Continued innovation and leadership in the electric vehicle sector are supported. Recent expansions, including the new gigafactory in Mexico, will increase production capacity and reduce costs. Advances in battery technology and energy storage are expected to drive growth. Upcoming products such as the Cybertruck and next-generation vehicles may boost demand and expand Tesla's market share.

In addition, Tesla's progress in autonomous driving technology has enhanced its investment attractiveness. Tesla's Full Self-Driving (FSD) software is advancing, increasing the attractiveness of its vehicles and strengthening Tesla's competitive advantage in this field. Analysts at Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley hold a positive outlook on Tesla. We recognize the potential of Tesla as an investment. We believe that AI stocks offer higher returns in a shorter period of time.
Disclaimer: Community is offered by Moomoo Technologies Inc. and is for educational purposes only. Read more
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