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Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is difficult to make a specific quantitative assessment.

Tesla shares are mainly based on medium- to long-term investments to build positions and improve and become stronger.
Stock prices have risen: they have already held long positions, and their holdings have risen. - Use 60% of positions for long-term investments (unswerving), and 40% of positions for short-term or even short-term competitive games.
Stock prices fall: There is a capital protection battle sequence to carry out tactical vigilance and strategic counterattack duty - the capital is split in half, 60% is used for investment transactions, and 40% is used for position protection.
The principle of increasing long positions: the profit chip ratio is less than 21%, and the investment transaction enters the air defense identification zone; the market meets the following four conditions and automatically starts the investment transaction combat mode -- the profit chip ratio is lower than the single-digit percentage; the stock price approaches the downside of the downward channel in each cycle; at least 9-10 of the 15 commonly used technical indicators are oversold or seriously oversold; at least 2-3 technical indicators show a bottom-up divergence.
Reinforce some of your habits and strengths:

1. In the midst of weakness, if you have long positions, an unexpected increase, or a slight increase in profit, you must reduce your position. Regardless of whether the package is lifted or not, you must not miss this upward opportunity. Promising varieties can be taken back after the stock price falls back down and stops stabilizing.

2. At the right time, if your capital is large enough, you should learn active investment methods, find opportunities to satisfy the four-body resonance after several rounds of intermittent sharp falls, which are the most lethal for ordinary people, and resolutely invest heavily.
3. Tesla twists and turns from 265.130 to 220.280 (44.85 points); fell from 220.280 to 205.600 (14.68 points); fell from 205.600 to 160.510 (45.09 points); rebounded steadily at 160.510; a conventional view of poor earnings caused Tesla's stock price to plummet 138.800 (21.71 points) from 160.510. It was quickly boosted by bottoming out to 173.780 (34.98 points). The recent shock What does that mean? Should we be depressed and fearful, or should we cheer up and revive the mountains and rivers, not worth the “suffering” we have already experienced in the early stages?
4. Reduce or even eliminate blind and frequent failed investment transactions with a low success rate. Every investment transaction must be supported by a chain of technical evidence.
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
They are also people who have lost their share career. Can we not brag about it when we meet?
Your ambitions are huge, but your sobriety must match your ambition.
Is this the worst time, and the best?
The power of mathematics lies in the fact that it shuns all unnecessary thoughts and unusual savings on the operation of the mind.
Waiting is a supreme technique. The critical hit at the right moment won.
The essence of accurate bottoming out trading is to bite the bears in the throat and cut off the backbone of the bears at a few critical moments. The decline was resolved.
Be in awe, but never panic.
Study the decline, break the decline, and apply a strong hand at the extreme value stage.
The market exploded in despair, rose in hesitation, and died in joy. What you pay attention to is your destiny. Follow flies to find toilets, follow bees to find flowers, follow tens of millions to earn millions, and follow beggars to ask for food. Live fish go up against the current, and dead fish go with the flow. There is no wisdom without difficulty. People can endure and overcome misfortune, because people have amazing potential, and as long as they are determined to use it, they will definitely be able to get through difficult times.
The market is ever-changing, and there are all kinds of noises and noises on the market. How to do it without being shocked and in an orderly manner is a deep field of study. The flexibility of financial markets means flexibility and wisdom in the middle of long and short. The key to the final victory of the Jedi Counterattack is: (1) Controlling positions. (2) Gradients are divided into batches, and discrete random variables (sense and experience are essential). (3) Unwavering faith in the midst of large fluctuations, and the ability to overwhelm all enemies.
A straight arm is most useless in a fight. It has neither attack power nor defense power, and the boxer will recover his momentum at maximum speed.

Stock market trading, where a full position is like an arm that has been straightened out, is an extreme moment of imbalance between offense and defense; increasing and decreasing positions is like stretching and shrinking an arm; it is a routine move to maintain combat effectiveness.

Flexible position management with plenty of room is a basic guarantee for the steady and continuous growth of account assets. It is not only a necessary ability for the world's top professional financial investment and trading players to cut through the erosion caused by falling stock prices.
Strong in the bones, educated in words and actions, tolerant in relationships, and kind in the heart.
Winning in the falling market; winning in amplitude; winning in boldness; winning in wisdom; winning in open-mindedness; winning in learning; winning in change; winning in adapting; winning in mathematics; winning in physics; winning in models; winning in function; winning in vibration; winning in quantification; winning in framework; winning in moderation; winning in probability; winning in technology; winning in psychology; winning in dexterity; winning in the long term; winning in oscillation; winning in the long term; winning in investing: winning in mentality; winning in tolerance for error.

Losing to oneself; losing to oneself; losing in solidification; losing in abandonment; losing in self-reliance; losing in pursuit of strength; losing in rushing; losing in stagnation; losing unilaterally; losing in gambling; losing in protecting positions; losing in full position; losing in financing; losing in reversal; losing in Yongdong; losing in gambling; losing in complaining; losing on excuses; losing in scolding; losing in dreaming; losing in planning; losing in prediction; losing in the short term; losing in a hurry; losing in a hurry; losing in a hurry; losing in a hurry; losing in a hurry; losing in a hurry Greed; losing mentality.
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
1. Blackstone Group (Blackstone Group), which is in charge of the world's largest famous private equity investment and investment management company with a whopping $106.42 billion, the world's largest mutual fund (mutual fund), The Vanguard Group (Pioneer Leader Group), the world's second-largest ETF (exchange-traded fund) provider, and Citadel LLC (Citadel LLC), an American multinational hedge fund financial service that provides stocks, options and other products from the world The giant order level of capital led by the Big Three (Company, Castle Investment Company) has quietly begun targeting Tesla's new position opening layout in 2024.
2. JC wholeheartedly laments the precise control of the market and timing by the Big Three Mutual Funds — they were extremely patient and accurately began fund-raising activities during the budding phase when the hourly technical graphics showed a bottom-up phase, and from time to time they had ups and downs, giving people the illusion of being shaky.
3. Corresponding to this, the vast majority of Tesla participants are staring at details such as Tesla's Q4 earnings report, falling profit margins, being overtaken by BYD, and Tesla's emergency recall. The most important thing is that they generally watch the downturn in the market, and smart people who make their own claims that they are ready to buy until 101.810-80.000-36.600-23.370. The most absolute thing is that Tesla saw 14. They really liked to predict, as if they knew everything, knew everything, and was capable of everything.
Use these words: Collapse, run fast, empty, just right. Short selling makes a lot of money; short selling makes quick money. The momentum of the stock lords was as strong as that of the various warlords who had taken over one side. No one could convince anyone, and no one was willing to accept anyone. So what? Let's just wait and see, who will kill the deer?
No one's life is perfect, but every moment of life is beautiful. People socialize more often than not when I need you, it's not that you aren't there, but that you don't care. So when you need me, it's not that I don't want to, it's that I don't care. Love is like doing multiplication; any number multiplied by zero results in zero.
Things in the world are never absolute, and the results are completely different from person to person. Suffering is a stepping stone for geniuses, an asset for the capable, and an abyss for the weak. The greatest charm of a person is that they have strength in their bones, education in words and actions, tolerance in relationships, and kindness in their hearts.
Tesla also has the unique advantages of learning and drawing on others to develop and improve the technical content of its Tesla vehicles:
HUAWEI Smart Electric Vehicle
HUAWEI Smart Electric Vehicle
HUAWEI Smart Electric Vehicle
HUAWEI Smart Electric Vehicle
HUAWEI Smart Electric Vehicle
HUAWEI Smart Electric Vehicle
HUAWEI Smart Electric Vehicle
HUAWEI Smart Electric Vehicle
Everything you meet is God's will, and everything you have is lucky. There are a thousand kinds of things waiting in the world. The best kind is called Lang Da Yu Fat, and the future can be expected. The time is right for arbitrage.
In actual financial gaming, finding the ideal entry point requires modeling and quantitative analysis with solid theoretical physics and applied mathematics skills, as well as correction by personal practical trading experience and skills and an unspeakable sense of the game.
The remaining errors and deviations can only be made up by one's excellent mental qualities and perseverance. (Traditional technical analysis and fundamental analysis must be mastered, but they are far from enough; they have even failed. Because you know what you have analyzed, others have done it, and you have no advantage to speak of.
Technical analysis must be upgraded to the level of quantitative analysis of function curves, and fundamental analysis must be upgraded to the level of long-term tracking and accumulation of big data and data analysis. (Based on media reports alone, there is no chance of winning.)
Investment trading arbitrage ultimately depends on results, isn't that the case? When you take a life cycle, what you see is the times and humanity, and what you see is the rules.

-- When you use a ten-year cycle, what you see is a change in common sense and rules.

-- When you take a cycle of three or five years, what you see is courage and vision.

-- When you use a one-year cycle, you believe in talents and abilities.

-- If you use the sky as a unit, if you don't have a background in theoretical physics or applied mathematics at the same time, you probably can't see anything; you can only hope for miracles and luck.
Bible, New Testament, Gospel of John (John)

Chapter 14: Verse 27: I leave you my peace; I give you my peace. What I have given is not like what the world has given. Don't be sad in your heart, and don't be timid.

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, let it be troubled.

Perhaps only windy and rainy days carry the weight of life; days with light wind and light clouds are more suitable for quiet understanding. I know very well: Not everything in this world is as you can imagine. Sometimes mountains are stories of water, and clouds are stories of wind; other times, stars aren't stories of night, and love isn't a story of love. In the journey of life, many people walk and walk away; many things faded away when they watched and watched; many dreams came to an end; when many tears were shed and shed, they were done; and many stocks rose when they saw and watched.

Most of the pain in life isn't caused by others; it's that you can't live with yourself. In fact, everyone is attacked by two arrows: the first arrow is shot at you from the outside world, which is the difficulties and setbacks we often encounter; the second arrow is directed at ourselves, which is negative feelings caused by difficulties and setbacks. Your greatest contribution to humanity is to make yourself happy; your greatest contribution to yourself is to strengthen your heart. Being strong isn't because you've overcome yourself; it's because you've accepted yourself. If you don't fight against yourself, you'll be stronger.

JC (JC = Elias, Jerome) often emphasizes surgical and relatively accurate types in investment transactions. The explanation of the relatively accurate type here is to make oneself understand that there are still blind spots in perception; the explanation of accuracy and framework is awe of the principle that financial market conditions are uncertain, and alert to the serious consequences caused by spatial orientation barriers caused by double repair and win-win between long and short, and the necessity and importance of establishing a safe deposit battle sequence and fault tolerance and flexible position management technology.

I know very well that I am far from being as good, outstanding, or even bad, as I thought, so I need to reflect more on myself, look up to and trust Jesus Christ, get down to earth, and do the work and things at hand. Complete investment transactions, reflect the power of theoretical physics and applied mathematics, and highlight the glory of Jesus Christ. Improving one's ability to invest and trade is endless, not only to capture more wealth, but also to capture more excitement and happiness, and more importantly, to benefit others.
It's not the thing itself that hurts us, but our own ignorant misconceptions about things.
What some women dream of, is probably something that only scum men can give; they may only be able to give it to men, women and children, and probably only scammers can give it, so many times we seem to consider how we view the world. The key to the truth is how you view yourself. Most people treat the world the way he (she) thinks the world should be. Therefore, time is the best friend. How to be humble but not arrogant and mean, clash but not lose decency, it really takes time. Tianxingjian, the gentleman continues to improve himself, Tolerance is not a mentality; it is an ability; when you leave others, you give yourself. Tesla has bottomed out, where is the bottom? 160.510-138.800 is a major part of Tesla's future history. The huge gap in the daily chart can't be filled in theory; only if you have a bottom in your own mind can you really have a bottom.
Three 2022 Nobel Prize winners in physics, Alain Aspect (French physicist), John Francis Clauser (John Francis Clauser, American theoretical physicist and experimental physicist), and Anton Zeilinger (Anton Salinger, Austrian quantum physicist) have performed world-class professional assessments for Tesla and the projects behind it. Almost all of Elon Musk's industrial projects are inseparable and inseparable from Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Technology Revolution. Tesla, led by Elon Musk, is very forward-looking in the layout of the high-tech industry. Tesla's stock price will definitely expand its wings as time goes by.
Nvidia is an important node of Artificial Intelligence, and Tesla and all the industries behind it are almost a complete Artificial Intelligence ecosystem.
On October 4, 2022, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced that the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics will be awarded to French scientist Alain Aspect (Alain Aspect), American scientist John F. Clauser (John F. Clauser), and Austrian scientist Anton Zeilinger (Anton Zeilinger) in recognition of their contributions in “entangling photon experiments, verifying violations of Bell's inequalities, and pioneering quantum information science.” They will share an average prize of SEK 10 million (approximately RMB 6.47 million).
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
[Core Tip 🔔: The relatively high negative line that is empty and opens high in the daily chart is gradually being swallowed up by the positive line. The chart tells us everything.]
1. In terms of fundamentals, Elon Musk clearly, resolutely and in a targeted manner explained Tesla's development vision, and adopted a series of corresponding adjustment measures, which fundamentally dispelled the confusion and concerns of many of Tesla's important strategic investors. At the same time, this is the answer that the really savvy analysts at Wall Street's forward-thinking financial institutions are hoping to get. This is very important; it is the main reason for reversing the balance of power between long and short in terms of market. Many of Wall Street's top large financial institutions are not short of money; what they lack are good ones that are worth investing in for a long time. They are not like many investors who only look at short-term investment prospects of three months to one year. These institutions are just speculators in the competitive game stage, and have no relatively clear strategic goals.
2. Although judging from the financial statements, Tesla's cash flow is at a low point due to increased vehicle inventory, Elon Musk, as Tesla's largest shareholder and executive chairman, has clearly indicated on Tesla's behalf that Tesla will buy back Tesla shares when cash flow recovers. This is the second important reason for changing the balance of strength between the long and short sides of the current market. Whether it has been implemented or not is not important; what matters is the attitude and will of the listed company. Wall Street has never been short of money, even on the days of interest rate hikes.
3. From the perspective of technical analysis on the market, Tesla's stock price has basically hit the lower line of the downward channel in various time periods. Most of the function curve function values of various technical indicators are oversold or seriously oversold, technical bottom-divergence occurs frequently, and the profit chip ratio fluctuates in the low value region for a long time, and the four-body resonance. This is an important technical basis chain for Elias to be bullish. Too often, random people only grasp a single technical evidence and jump to conclusions.
4. Clarifying ideas, understanding the situation and current situation, and determining that Tesla is worth long-term investment is the most important thing; the next thing will be easy to do. Locking 🔐 Tesla is the target of investment transactions. When confused, check weekly and monthly charts. The main trend and general trend are always upward. This is also a basic characteristic of the US stock index and the top 7 US technology growth stocks. When the secondary trend and the main trend are sharply opposed to the extreme value region (classic four-body resonance), strategic investors begin to overcome human weaknesses, follow the trend, reverse technology, reverse humanity, and open positions in gradients in batches, and discrete random variable positions.
5. The financial market fluctuates in a disorderly manner most of the time and is unclear. Mathematically speaking, it is a general letter, non-letter problem. It is very difficult to handle, and there are often multiple solutions. However, at critical moments, key technical points can be predicted; what we need to do is the latter. Being happy and tired of falling and pursuing a win-win situation between long and short is a fatal injury for people who are in trouble. There has never been a perfect institution on Wall Street. There are two major limitations in the financial market that no one can surpass: 1. The principle of unfathomability. 2. The principle of spatial orientation disorder. Only God is capable of this. However, if you take time apart, if you look lightly, you can see clearly; if you see clearly, you can take it lightly; they complement each other.
6. This time, Tesla's very important strategic investors, and Baron Capital Management (Baron Capital Management)'s father and son, who are also important shareholders of Tesla, drew great attention from Elon Musk's view of Tesla's low-cost electric vehicles, while Larry Fink (Larry Fink), CEO of BlackRock (BlackRock), expressed his views on Tesla's prospects in the public media when Tesla's stock price was at its lowest. It has provided great comfort to Tesla shareholders and strategic investors who were once anxious. The crowd didn't even know who Baron and his son Larry Fink were and what; they only looked at the 1-15 minute chart and trend and whether the arbitrage was successful.
7. A negative line in the daily chart that left a huge gap, tells people that there are two major messages: first, 138.800 is the ultimate bottom of this round of decline and is currently only the prelude to the rise; second, Tesla investors need to be patient enough to allow Tesla to gradually reverse and improve Tesla's profit decline. In the market, they need to gradually consolidate the gains brought about by Elon Musk's vision speech. The high negative line itself indicates that the upward selling pressure should not be underestimated; it will take time to gradually digest this relatively high. Only with the dark line of position can we move up to the next level, Don't have unrealistic ideas. Recovering stability above 160.510 is an important indicator for measuring market conditions. 160.510-138.800 is a major historical region for Tesla's future stock price. If you encounter a drop in stock prices, it is an opportunity to open positions in gradients and batches, discrete random variables, and position layout. Instead of being happy to rise and hate falling, chasing higher and stronger. There is no “technical basis chain” to support Tesla at random. I feel that when the stock price is high, it is bearish and short selling in an attempt to win a win-win situation. In particular, selling on a bearish and short market without knowing how to close in time will inevitably pay a painful price.
8. The era of electric vehicles has begun, and now it has entered the second stage of AI. Autonomous driving is the direction. Currently, the share of smart electric vehicles is still very low, and its market is far from being saturated. As far as hydrogen-powered cars are concerned, there are still some technical difficulties that are difficult to overcome, and it is still very early for large-scale popularization. As a result, smart electric vehicles are on the rise.
Bearish short sellers must stop at their own pace; sharp and mean bearish short sellers must pay a corresponding price for their desperation.
More often, they are ruthlessly forced to close positions by brokerage firms, and they also have to charge handling fees.
Stock god Warren Buffett said, “Never bet on the US national fortune, and never short US stocks. But too many people turned a blind eye and turned a deaf ear.
The financial market has two major limitations:
1. Unfathomable principle (Too many people think they are self-righteous, like blind predictions without technical support, to guide the world and get lost. (Tesla didn't even figure out what company it was; it just used whether the position was overshadowed as the standard for a right or wrong transaction.)
2. Spatial Orientation Disorder (People who are in trouble always want to fix both the long and the short, the win-win situation.)
Keep the following in mind:
In 2010, Tesla lost money for a long time, and its stock price remained low for a long time. More than 90% of market participants sold cheap Tesla shares with a sense of depression and extreme frustration (the current situation of Tesla and Elon Musk is far stronger than the situation at the time, I don't know how many times). At almost the same time, Stephen A. Schwarzman (Stephen A. Schwarzman), a Jewish-American superrich philanthropist worth over $10.8 billion, and one of the founders of BlackRock, is telling his family, from adults and children to their young grandchildren, that every week they save a little money every month from other places, even if they can only buy one Tesla stock, and store it there like a bank. On August 26, 2018, or about 8 years later, Tesla's stock price finally climbed from 1.13 to 371. This is almost a 33,000% increase.
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
Tesla is a huge piece of jade that is being cut. It has only cut a small portion but has revealed an astonishing amount of natural fine jade. Currently, it is d...
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