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Song of Joy

The chart says it all.
The reason geniuses are outstanding is not that they are superior, but rather that they have made continuous efforts. After 10,000 hours of refinement, anyone can go from ordinary to extraordinary. No matter what industry, the only way to reach the pinnacle of the industry is focus and long-term investment; there is no other path.
To really focus, you need to do the following three things:
Focus on the essential 20%;
focus on your first goal;
Focus on things or classic cases that have worked.
I sincerely thank God and praise the Lord: only those familiar with applied mathematics and theoretical physics can truly appreciate such violent yet elegant and intellectually intelligent technical graphics
I sincerely thank God and praise the Lord: only those familiar with applied mathematics and theoretical physics can truly appreciate such violent yet elegant and intellectually intelligent technical graphics
Song of Joy
Song of Joy
Song of Joy
Song of Joy
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Song of Joy
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Song of Joy
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Song of Joy
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Song of Joy
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Morgan Stanley said in a recent report that the robotics industry is undergoing a major transformation. It is expected to create 8 million humanoid robots by 2040, and Tesla will drive and benefit from this transformation.

Morgan Stanley pointed out that this shift to robots is faster than the use of autonomous vehicles, and it is expected that more capital will flow into the development of humanoid robots. “We believe humanoid robots have greater opportunities and faster adoption rates, and we'll see more capital investment than autonomous driving. Tesla is at the center of this subject,” Morgan Stanley said in its report.

Based on the $30 trillion global labor market, Morgan Stanley's model predicts that by 2040, humanoid robots will reach 8 million units (the wage impact is 357 billion dollars), and by 2050, it will reach 63 million units (wages affect 3 trillion dollars). Morgan Stanley said these astonishing numbers will have a significant impact on global wage levels.
Daily Devotion — July 4, 2024

The power of faith

David Wilkerson

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The Bible tells us that Christ paid for human sins with his own blood on the cross. He lives a sinless life and abides by the law at every point; he perfected the law, removed the curse, saved us from hell and the devil's claws, and will bring us to God the Father with perfect justice.

The Bible continues to tell us that we can attribute the perfect justice of Christ to us, and that as long as we believe in everything Jesus has accomplished for us, God will consider us perfect righteous in Jesus. Please understand that I am talking about people who have repented of their sins.

Oh my body is so disgusted by the simplicity and ease of all this. The body cried, “Impossible! It can't be that easy. I have to help; I have to give something. After all, I still have problems with my life. I'm still fighting against sin. I can't expect him to think I'm honest because I still have so many things to improve. I need to change my mind first.”

Of course, we might shed tears. We must be humble and broken, but tears alone won't save anyone. Nor can a lifetime of struggle save anyone. The Bible says that our salvation must be based on faith and grace. There is no body to brag about before God.

“Because the righteousness of God is being revealed in this gospel, this righteousness is based on faith, leading to faith. As it is written in the scriptures: “The righteous shall live by faith” (Romans 1:17 NKJV).
“By the Holy Spirit and by faith, we wait for the righteousness we hope for” (Galatians 5:5).
“And I was able to find in him either the righteousness obtained by virtue of the law, but the righteousness of believing in Christ, or the righteousness of believing in God” (Philippians 3:9).
My faith must transcend all my fears, Satan's lies, feelings, and circumstances, and rely on God's word. God's word says that through repentance and faith in Christ, he sees me as having perfect justice in Jesus. He “in his love son” accepted me as a holy and just person.

Oh, how amazing is the power of faith!


The Power of Faith

By David Wilkerson

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God's Word tells us that Christ paid for the sins of humanity with his own blood on the cross. He fulfils a sinless life, keeps the law at every point; and he fulfils the law, removed the curse, ransoming us from the claims of hell and the devil, and will present us before the Father with perfect righteousness.

The Word goes on to tell us we can have Christ's perfect righteous opinions to us, and God will judge us perfectly righteous in Jesus if only we believe what he has meant for us. Please understand that I am speaking of those who have been repented of their sins.

Oh, how my flesh recoils at the simplicity and ease of it all. The Flesh Cries, “No Way! It can't be that easy. I have to help; I must pay something. After all, I still have problems in my life. I still struggle with sin. I can't expect him to be righteous because I still have so many things improved. I need to clean up my act first.”

Weed, We May Shed Tears. We have to be humbled and broken, but a river of tears alone will not save anyone. A LIFETIME OF STRUGLES WILL NOT SAVE ANYONE. Scripture says that our salvation must be by grace through faith. No Flesh Shall Glory in God's Presence.

“For in it the righteous of God is considered from faith to faith; as it is written, 'The Just Shall Live by Faith'” (Romans 1:17, NKJV).
“For we through the Spirit eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness by faith” (Galatians 5:5).
“And be found in him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteous which is from God by faith” (Philippians 3:9).
My faith has to rise above all my feelings, satanic lies, feelings, and feelings and rest in What God's Word Feelings. His Word says that by repentance and faith in Christ, he looks upon me as having the perfect righteousness of Jesus. He chose me “in the Beloved” as holy and righteous.

Oh, what a wonderful thing the power of faith is!
Song of Joy
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