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At 3:00 pm, the dollar is slightly lower at around 145 yen, as the stock market falls, increasing the demand for the yen as a safe-haven currency.

September 4, 2024, 3:22 pm GMT+9 (excerpt)
At 3:00 pm, the dollar is trading at a slightly lower level of around 145 yen, compared to the end of the New York market on the previous day (145.47/48 yen). With the sharp decline in the Nikkei average stock price, there is an increased demand for the yen as a safe-haven currency, causing the dollar to weaken.
The dollar weakened to around 145 yen in the early morning, and then the demand for the yen as a safe-haven currency increased, especially in cross-yen pairs, as the Nikkei average temporarily fell by more than 1500 yen. The dollar further softened and temporarily fell to around 144.89 yen.
SBI Liquidity Market's Financial Market Research Director, Masahito Ueda, believes that there is a recent trend of the yen being bought as the stock market falls, and if the yen is bought, stocks will further decline.
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