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Musk's $56B pay package vote approved: Can it drive TSLA further?
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The world is in turmoil and uneasy, and interpersonal relationships are deeply rooted in Han.

Now JC finally decided:
It turns out that place with the most neuroses is not a psychiatric hospital, but the stock market!
In the stock market, there are neuroses all over the mountains,...
It's all a matter of money.
If you eat the suffering others don't want to eat, do what others don't want to do, read books others haven't read, and be able to endure the grievances others can endure, then you can do what others can do. If you think differently from elementary school teachers and poor parents, it is possible to reap benefits that others can't get. Most people's perception is a solidified Confucian mentality, and it's hard for people who haven't experienced major events to be bold.
Never discovering one's potential is one of life's greatest regrets. The vast majority of people are born with wings, but after being educated by mediocre parents and mediocre primary and secondary school teachers, and especially by enslavement education that is out of touch with the mainstream of the world or even acts the opposite way, they want to walk on their feet for the rest of their lives. We recruited cheap migrant workers 30 years ago, and we also recruited some college students at low cost 30 years later, but I learned that most of the college students we recruited were the children of those cheap migrant workers who had worked so hard to raise before.

Poverty is also inherited; our lives are solidified, our descendants are solidified, and some lifestyles are also included. Don't hope for any morality on anyone other than Jesus Christ (God). Everyone in this world is half human and half ghost, and no one can look too close. To make matters worse, there are also managers who are good at raising flags and putting up a clean social order under the guise of popular elections and representing public opinion, actually going against public opinion and harming democracy and people's livelihood. The US and Western governments have taken on the responsibility of providing for the elderly (there is no need to use filial piety to morally kidnap the next generation of children; some institutions cleverly shift the most important responsibility to ordinary people themselves), medical care (low income can apply for free medical treatment), unemployment insurance (those who are unemployed can claim unemployment benefits), housing (those who cannot afford commercial housing can apply for government buildings or apartments for the elderly. (The rent is very cheap, and an apartment for the elderly is almost as free.) Free heating (below 15 degrees Celsius, automatic heating), free piped natural gas, free water, 24-hour hot water supply. They make up 70% of the US government's fiscal expenditure.

I don't know the true face of Mount Lushan; only because I'm in the middle of this mountain?

Musk made a statement at the Indonesian Economic Forum that caused huge controversy around the world, saying that China's elite talents often engage in activities that damage others and benefit themselves, and spend a lot of time on interpersonal relationships and power schemes. He described Chinese society as a society of acquaintances. This culture has become commonplace, causing people to pay more attention to various personal relationships and a person's social status when handling affairs, rather than fairness and impartiality.

Behind the popularity, I can't help but admire the current state of Chinese society as seen from the eyes of an authentic American capitalist.

The late Chen Shengshen, a top Chinese mathematician in the world, lived in the US for several decades and returned to his hometown of Tianjin. After returning to the Chinese community, he couldn't help but say with emotion: the world is troubled and peaceful, and interpersonal relationships are deeply rooted in Han studies.
Of all the wrong criticisms of China, this is the one with the most correct elements.
China's dependence on the US is not an economy at all; it is the original driving force for development.

Specifically, it is the ability to create new technology, new industries, and open up new living spaces.

America's ability to enjoy a high standard of living depends not on petroleum dollars, nor on the US military, but on America's steady stream of ability to open up a new world from scratch. This new world includes new energy, new materials, new medicine, new agriculture, new information, and new development space. During the pandemic, the US government distributed money directly to bank accounts or mailed checks to mailboxes to everyone, including foreigners who work and live in the US, to help the common people and stimulate the economy.
America continues to bring attractive new products from the New World. The whole world is happy to buy new items developed by Americans at high prices, such as airplanes, AC, gramophones, televisions, refrigerators, washing machines, electronic computers, air conditioners, lasers, optical fibers, computer operating software, the Internet, chips, mobile phones, specialty drugs, solar cells, robots, etc. Therefore, Americans can continue to get investment, get rewards, and then use the returns to develop more new things. The US military can win wars, not by virtue of strong physical strength, strict military discipline, or a hard-working spirit. Instead, it relies on disruptive military technology that is constantly emerging, making the enemy's weapons and equipment obsolete time and time again, causing the enemy to only be passively hit and have no strength to fight back against the US military, such as aircraft, submarines, radars, airtight pressurized long-range bombers, atomic bombs, jet engines, radar stealth technology, cruise missile technology, etc. It is this ingenuity that supports the US dollar, US debt, US stocks, and the US military, not the other way around. Therefore, the attack on the US military, the US dollar, US debt, and US stocks is simply putting the cart before the horse, and there will be no results.
However, in terms of the original driving force for development, China is simply unable to match the US. This is not only a question of talent, but also an issue of culture and system. This is the root problem. If the problem of China's cultural system is not solved, it simply won't last long by relying on half-way technology that once deceived the Western world into stealing its education. After being cut off from the Western world led by the US, it won't take 20 years, and China will fall behind again.
China is like a brick that has been baked for 17 years next to a stove in modern Western civilization. When it is hot, it thinks it can replace a stove; it can continue to glow and heat like a stove. The question is, why can a brick ignite a stove, and I don't understand the combustion mechanism, so how can we talk about replacing a stove?
Some people say that China's lag behind the US is temporary. I want to emphasize that it's definitely not lagging behind, but rather dependency, the kind of dependency on the ability to go from 0 to 1. In other words, China lacks the ability to rely entirely on its own imagination, independently develop and develop a technology that did not exist in the world, and successfully transform it into a new industry. Almost every new industry in the 20th century, such as aviation, washing machines, air conditioning, electronics, semiconductors and chips, lasers, optical fiber, robotics, the Internet, mass media, carbon fiber, computer software, online commerce, online entertainment, modern medicine, fast food chains, etc., is an original from the United States. Had it not been because the US pioneered it, China itself wouldn't have gone to the trouble of creating it; it would continue to be obscured. An obvious example is that after 1,000 years of use, gunpowder hasn't progressed to TNT. Another example is that candles that have been burned for 2000 have not progressed to electric lights. Looking at the compass for 3000 years without improving to GPS is the third example. The three inventions correspond to chemistry, physics, astronomy, and mathematics. What is behind this is not technical backwardness, but rather ignorance of thought and lack of scientific spirit. China's ideological obscurity and lack of scientific spirit will continue, and China's dependence on America's original driving force will continue, not temporarily.
Therefore, in terms of the future direction of development, China is actually inseparable from American guidance, and even more so from exchanges with the US. If China were to be cut off from the Western world, in less than 20 years, China would return to a state of technological backwardness.
Some people say that America's lead is supported by the US dollar, and once it loses the US dollar as a pillar, America's innovation will stop immediately. The Soviet Union, the birthplace of the US dollar, has long since cut out; in the end, it exhausted the Soviet Union itself, and did not dismantle the dollar system. Why is that? As mentioned before, the US dollar is a by-product of American culture and system. It is America's ability to innovate that supports the dollar, not the other way around.
America can always replace the existing system by creating new science and technology with lower costs, higher efficiency, and more reliable quality. This “more” means not a 10% or 20% increase, but an increase of an order of magnitude. Out of thin air, they even created a new industry that didn't exist to transfuse blood for themselves. An example of the former is an invisible aircraft; an example of the latter is the software, mobile communication, internet, online commerce, and online game industries. If you quit your phone for 1 week, you'll understand that human life is completely inseparable from mobile communication. If you quit the software for 1 week, you'll understand that humans can't work at all without the software. If you glorify the young people around you for 1 week, you'll immediately know that young people are no longer able to live without video games. Because they can't live without it, all of humanity is willing to go out of their pockets for America's endless supply of new things. The collapse of an empire begins with the collapse of its currency, and the collapse of that empire's currency begins when the empire is insolvent. And if the entire human race is paying for America's finances, how can the US treasury collapse? If the US treasury does not collapse, how can the US dollar collapse?
When did China invent this kind of technology and pioneered this kind of industry? No, never! The reality is that mobile payments copy PayPal, Baidu copy Google, Ali copy Amazon, Tencent copy Facebook, and Huawei copy Cisco and Qualcomm. These facts all perfectly reflect China's dependence on the US.

The famous scholar Mr. Chen Yinke famously said, “People in China are foolish and fraudulent.” He also said that everything from the Boxer Rebellion movement to the Red Guards movement was the result of a conspiracy between “foolishness” and “fraud,” and they are indispensable if they want to become havoc! Another sentence, which is also accurate, is the shamelessness of the few and the ignorance of the majority.
Ms. Zi Zhongyun said, “One hundred years have passed, and there is still Prince Lafayette on top, and the Boxers are still below.

Professor Zhou Xiaozheng said, never underestimate the extent of corruption among officials, and never underestimate the level of ignorance of ordinary people. Every space where Chinese people can speak freely has been blocked. People above won't let you talk, and people below won't listen to you. In this current situation, the lower echelons are becoming more and more ignorant, the upper echelons are becoming more insidious and treacherous. Naturally, China is getting farther and farther away from civilization!
Whoever will eventually shock the world will remain silent for a long time; whoever will ignite lightning will drift like a cloud for a long time. I don't know this point of view, can you accept it?
Awe of technology means acknowledging the value of technology and understanding its limitations. The correct and profound interpretation of the function curves of technical indicators is still up to one's own.
The reason why there is an “unmeasurable principle” in the financial market is actually the core: 1. Selection of parameter groups, parameter settings, and calculation of the median values of parameters. 2. For non-functional problems, the solutions may be more complex and diverse, and need to be analyzed according to the specific problem. (It is said that currently large high-speed computers combined with special software, quantum computers combined with special software can be infinitely close to breaking the barriers set up by the “undetectable principle,” but this is not a perfect solution. (However, in JC's opinion, it's already very powerful.)
JC was convinced and confessed: Only God has this kind of power. Bible Old Testament Proverbs (Proverbs) 9:10-11: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Knowing the Most Holy One is wisdom. With me, your days will increase, and your years will grow. (The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom: and the Knowledge of the Holy is Understanding. For by me thy days shall be multiplied, and the years of thy life shall be multiplied.)
When people enter the stock market, greed and fear accompany them all the time. Even top professionals often face the test of these two demonic feelings. However, if you want to win money and get good profits, apart from the most important thing, in addition to improving the accuracy of modeling and quantitative analysis as much as possible, and investing in the extreme value area of stock price fluctuations as much as possible (doing a solid job will fundamentally solve the loss problem caused by stop loss, which is of great significance). You must learn hierarchical strategies, intermittent strategies, and discrete random variable strategies. This is definitely a technical activity that tests the innate sense, experience, will, and courage of investment traders. What is real poverty

True poverty is not about not having a house or car; it is not about being poor, penniless, and lacking in material resources.

It is a superficial face, an empty eye, a blank mind, a high level of poverty in the mind, extreme lack of spirit, and a heart that blankly follows the flow.

True poverty is invisible; nothing to love, nothing to send, nothing to hope for! Look up to God and be down-to-earth. As long as you are willing to work hard, the world will always surprise you. Life always gives you a second chance, called tomorrow. So go ahead. Under all the hardships of life, stay half cute and gentle, and you are the winner.
The world is in turmoil and uneasy, and interpersonal relationships are deeply rooted in Han.
The world is in turmoil and uneasy, and interpersonal relationships are deeply rooted in Han.
The world is in turmoil and uneasy, and interpersonal relationships are deeply rooted in Han.
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1. Tesla's stock price first crossed the 182.800-187.420 region. The prudent side set up positions in this region. The so-called “not seeing rabbits” did not throw eagles. In the second step, Tesla's stock price crossed 187.420-191.300 and continued to rise. Step 3: Tesla's stock price rises👆It floated out of the strong resistance zone of 198.870-205.600, opening the prelude to Tesla's spectacular gains. The stock price effectively standing at 220.800 will start the main upward trend.
2. Highly speculative trading is not a good way to arbitrage. The reason is that your hands and feet are artificially tied up, because you must prevent your account from making floating losses due to any duvet cover. When you can clearly see and think about good entry and exit points in the market, some very important and very profitable investment opportunities will be lost. If you don't have a position, it's quite embarrassing. If you don't do it well, you'll either run out of space or have to open a random position layout. Currently, the profit chip ratio is at a relatively high level of 82.15%, so it is inappropriate to make a big deal; the range coincidence is only 43.31%, which means that the market will still fluctuate greatly in the future. Those with long positions are much more relaxed. They can open positions below 180.770. If the stock price doesn't drop, there is no need to worry about missing out on the market.
The stock price hovered around here for a few more days, then decided to rush upward and then fall back to test 168.800 and 167.410; another version is to drop the stock price to the 176.500 (median) zone between the 180.450-172.050 region, then return to the rise and follow the second and third steps: the second step: the second step: Tesla's stock price crosses 187.420-191.300 and continues to rise; step 3: Tesla's stock price rises👆It floated out of the strong resistance zone of 198.870-205.600, opening the prelude to Tesla's spectacular gains. The stock price effectively standing at 220.800 will start the main upward trend.
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