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Trump's pledge for a “second term” 🧐🧐

2024/7/16 12:47 PM GMT+9 (full text reprint)
Former US President Trump plans to deport millions of immigrants when he returns in the November presidential election, reorganize world trade with expensive tariffs, and solidify the White House with loyal supporters.
Below are some of the policies that Mr. Trump has pledged.
◎ Trade
Trump has proposed a plan to apply tariffs of 10% or more on all imported goods. It is said that this is to eliminate trade deficits, but there are also indications that it will lead to an increase in consumer prices and instability in the world economy.
He also stated that he should have the authority to impose higher tariffs on countries that apply tariffs on imported goods from the United States. They are threatening to impose 200% tariffs on some imported cars.
The target in particular is China, and it is proposed to gradually reduce imports of electronic equipment, steel, pharmaceuticals, etc. from China over 4 years. They are trying to ban Chinese companies from owning US real estate and infrastructure in the energy and tech sectors.
◎ Federal government employees
Mr. Trump is trying to eradicate the “deep state” through an executive order that reclassifies thousands of federal government employees so that they can be fired. He calls it the Deep State assuming career employees of the federal government who are secretly trying to achieve their goals.
There is a high possibility that this will be contested in court. Mr. Trump has declared that he will dismiss corrupt people involved in national security and “eradicate” political opponents.
It is stated that all federal government employees are required to pass a new civil service exam created by themselves, but practical authority for that purpose is limited.
His close aides will also examine civil service applicants involved in implementing policies. Mr. Trump suggests that civil servants must comply with his own belief that the 2020 election was fraudulent.
Mr. Trump will crack down on federal government whistleblowers, who are usually protected by law, and establish an independent agency to “monitor” US intelligence agencies.
◎ Investigating political opponents
Trump has occasionally stated that he will use federal law enforcement agencies to investigate political opponents.
It has also been stated that the appointment of a special prosecutor will be considered in order to investigate President Biden, but the basis for the investigation has not been clarified.
Trump has also stated that since some district attorneys are carrying out unconstitutional selective enforcement, the Department of Justice will investigate.
They are also talking about considering the dismissal of prosecutors who do not follow their own orders, and this means a break with the long-standing US policy of independence of federal law enforcement agencies.
Trump's allies are planning to limit the independence of the Department of Justice and make the department full of political appointees loyal to the president.
◎ energy
Trump has declared that he will increase fossil fuel production by relaxing the drilling permit process and encouraging the construction of new natural gas pipelines. The policy is to once again allow oil drilling at the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska.
Furthermore, it has been stated that it will once again withdraw from the Paris Agreement, which is a framework for reducing global greenhouse gas emissions, and will support an increase in nuclear energy production. The obligation to transition to electric vehicles (EVs) introduced by Mr. Biden and other policies aimed at reducing emissions from automobiles will also be withdrawn.
◎ Economy
Trump has promised to cut federal regulations he believes are limiting job creation. They also promised to continue the extensive tax reduction measures signed in 17 while the president was in office. His economic team is discussing the expansion of individual and corporate tax cuts implemented during the first term.
Trump also stated that he would abolish the tax on chip revenue in order to support service industry workers. It is also stated that they will press the US Federal Reserve (FRB) to cut interest rates.
It is said that Medicare (public health insurance for the elderly and people with disabilities) or social security will not be reduced, and the age of receipt will not be raised.
Regarding crypto assets (virtual currency), it is poised to end the Democratic Party's efforts to regulate it and protect Bitcoin mining rights.
◎ Immigration Policy
Mr. Trump has a policy of reviving the first phase of the policy targeting illegal immigrants, retreating Mr. Biden's pro-immigration policy, and proceeding with drastic new regulations.
Asylum at the Mexican border will be restricted, and it is said that they will embark on the largest deportation in American history. However, the legal validity of this will be questioned, and it will also meet opposition from the Congressional Democratic Party.
He has stated that the National Guard and the Federal Army will be mobilized to achieve the goal, and the possibility of setting up camps for deportation is not ruled out.
It is also stated that the system where children born from immigrants can automatically obtain citizenship will be abolished, but this is a move contrary to the interpretation of the United States Constitution that has continued for many years.
It is said that measures restricting entry from Muslim-majority countries will also be reintroduced.
◎ Abortion
Among the federal Supreme Court justices, the three people belonging to the majority who overturned the judgment that the right to artificial abortion is protected by the Constitution are people appointed by Mr. Trump. He will continue to appoint federal judges to support abortion restrictions in the future.
At the same time, Trump also stated that an abortion ban by the federal government is unnecessary, and that this issue should be resolved at the state level. They argue that the ban on abortions after 6 weeks of pregnancy, which is supported by part of the Republican Party, is too strict, and that exception regulations that take rape, incest, and maternal health into account should be established. They have also expressed opposition to an even stricter ban recognized by a court in Arizona.
Nonetheless, Mr. Trump also stated that if each state chooses, it is possible to monitor a woman's pregnancy and prosecute if an abortion is performed after the permitted period.
He supports policies promoting in vitro fertilization (IVF), birth control, prenatal care, etc.
◎ Diplomacy
Trump is critical of US support for Ukraine over the war with Russia, and has stated that if elected, the war can be ended within 24 hours. However, the method is not shown.
It is also stated that the United States will fundamentally review the “purpose and mission” of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Few specific policy proposals have been made, but in an interview with Reuters last year, Ukraine said that it may be necessary to cede some territory for a peace agreement.
Trump opposed the 61 billion dollar support plan for Ukraine for several months, and some Republican lawmakers also opposed it. Congress finally approved support measures at the end of April, and Trump has since suggested that Ukraine's security is an important national interest of the United States.
While supporting Israel fighting against the Islamic organization Hamas, Mr. Trump criticized Prime Minister Netanyahu's initial response.
They are also proposing sending troops to Mexico to fight drug cartels.
Also, it was suggested that a huge missile defense system “Iron Dome” would be built throughout the mainland of the United States.
◎ Education
Mr. Trump made it mandatory for universities to “protect American traditions and Western civilization,” and pledged to abolish diversity programs. It also stated that it would instruct the Department of Justice to file civil rights lawsuits against schools that committed racial discrimination.
As for the education period from kindergarten to high school graduation, it is said that they support programs that allow parents to use public funds for private or religious education.
◎ crime
It is said that Trump will impose the death penalty on criminals who engage in human trafficking and drug trafficking.
He said he couldn't believe the federal statistics showing that heinous crimes are declining in US cities. Also, it is stated that they will consider amnesty for all those convicted in connection with the Bundestag attack incident on January 6, 21.
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