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Trump & Musk's epochal interview: What sparks will fly?
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Take them by surprise and attack when they least expect it.

Core Tips:🔔Breaking through 196.000 indicates stability, and the prelude to rebound begins. Being bullish and loathing bearishness, and following the crowd will not achieve much in the stock market. Stocks need to be planned and executed when most people are trying to avoid them, with a systematic approach, in stages, with discrete random variables, and strategic positioning for building positions.
The market erupts in despair, rises in hesitation, and dies in joy. Your focus is your destiny. Follow flies to find a bathroom, follow bees to find flowers, follow the millions to make hundreds of thousands, follow beggars to beg for food. Live fish swim against the current, dead fish go with the flow. There is no wisdom without difficulties. A person can endure misfortune, and also overcome it, because humans have incredible potential, as long as they aspire to unleash it, they will definitely overcome difficulties. Good luck in good times is what people hope for; good luck in bad times is what people find surprising. The most difficult time is when success is within reach. If you want to catch big fish, don't be afraid of deep water.
Anxiety not only does not unload tomorrow's burden, but also deprives you of today's happiness. It is only through experiencing the ups and downs of life that we can appreciate its lasting charm. Perhaps it is the presence of many clouds in life that creates a beautiful sunset. Any experience of hardship, as long as it is not destructive, is a treasure. God helps those who trust in Him.
Education is like copper, capability is like silver, network is like gold, thinking is like a trump card, Jesus is the king of cards and the king of kings. Successful people are not the ones who win at the starting point, but the ones who win at the turning point. Don't live in other people's words, don't live in other people's eyes, but hand your destiny over to God and trust in Him. Shrewdness is tactics, while wisdom is strategy; shrewdness sees sesame seeds, while wisdom sees watermelons. Don't talk tough, don't do soft things.
Take them by surprise and attack when they least expect it.
Take them by surprise and attack when they least expect it.
Take them by surprise and attack when they least expect it.
The glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former. This is the word of the Lord of hosts. I will give peace in this place. This is the word of the Lord of hosts. Job lived in the land of Uz. According to some geographers, this place is located in the northern part of Arabia near the land of the Edomites, which is east of the land promised by God to the descendants of Abraham. The Sabaeans are to the south, and the Chaldeans are to the east. It was a long time after Abraham's death that Job underwent trials. In Job 1:8, it is described that at that time there was "no one on earth like [Job], a blameless and upright man." It is possible that this happened after the death of Joseph - a man of outstanding faith - and before Moses began his faithful life.
At that time, the Israelites were deeply polluted by the idolatry of Egypt, but Job remained faithful in his worship. Based on the circumstances described in Job 1 and God's approval of Job as a faithful worshipper, it is likely that this was during the period of the patriarchs and not after the law was given to the Israelites from around 1513 BC. Job lived a long life, and this book may cover a period from around 1657 BC to 1473 BC, between the death of Moses.
The name Job is considered synonymous with patience and perseverance. Jesus regarded Job, along with Noah and Daniel, as real people. Jews also view Job as a real person. The apostle James, author of the Book of James, pointed out Job as an example of patience in James 5:11. According to the New World Encyclopedia, the Book of Job is often "regarded as one of the world's literary masterpieces." It is an important part of the Bible and contributes greatly to helping people understand the Bible.
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