102057037 : drawback is always good for the next showdown! $40 here we come!
RenenoMirai OP 102057037 : U adding more?
simonbond RenenoMirai OP : Yes!!
RenenoMirai OP simonbond : Now all taking profits, wait until last min see how it goes
102057037 RenenoMirai OP : not at this moment. Just sit back and enjoy the show!
102057037 : drawback is always good for the next showdown! $40 here we come!
RenenoMirai OP 102057037 : U adding more?
simonbond RenenoMirai OP : Yes!!
RenenoMirai OP simonbond : Now all taking profits, wait until last min see how it goes
102057037 RenenoMirai OP : not at this moment. Just sit back and enjoy the show!