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US investor Buffett invests in 5 major Japanese trading companies “growth potential evaluation”

Warren Buffett, a famous American investor, stated at the general meeting of shareholders of the investment company he led that “there was overwhelming persuasive power” in connection with investing in the five major Japanese trading companies, and clarified that the investment was evaluated by evaluating growth potential.
Berkshire Hathaway, an investment company headed by Warren Buffett, held a general shareholders' meeting on the 4th in Omaha, Nebraska, in the midwestern United States where the company is located.
Among them, Mr. Buffett stated that “it was overwhelmingly persuasive” in connection with investing in five major Japanese trading companies, and clarified that the investment was made by evaluating the growth potential of Japanese trading companies.
In a letter sent to shareholders in February, Mr. Buffett said that the shareholding ratio of the five major Japanese trading companies had been raised to around 9% each.
Apple announces sale of approximately 13% of shares “Evaluation has not changed”
Meanwhile, Berkshire Hathaway announced on the 4th that it sold approximately 13% of the shares of the American IT giant Apple it holds during the 3 months from January to March.
Mr. Buffett, who was asked about this at the general shareholders' meeting, expressed recognition that the tax rate on gains from stock sales would be raised in the background, and his evaluation of Apple had not changed.
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