USA announced on May 23, 2024 at 22:45.S&P service industry PMI.Compared to the previous month's 51.3, the result.54.8Results rose sharply.
This is a preliminary value.
This is the data for the month of May.
It has been on a downward trend since March 2024.The S&P Services Industry PMIbut you can understand the resilient US economy.
The current stock marketlowering interest ratesis filled with expectations.
Economic indicators indicating prosperity areNegative.Perceived asstock market declineThis will be a contributing factor.
Has a significant impact on stock pricesUS 10-year bond yieldsHas rebounded from the closing price of 4.377% on May 16, 2024 to the current value.4.479%It has risen to
Rising long-term interest rates areNegative.It is.
The bond marketlowering interest ratesis considered to be distant.
The USA announced on May 23, 2024 at 9:30 PMNumber of new unemployment insurance applicationsResults were against the previous 0.223 million cases.0.215 million casesIt was.
Rose sharply on the 9th of this monthNumber of new unemployment insurance applicationsHowever, it is the second consecutive decline.
The decrease in the number of unemployed people is lowering expectations for an interest rate cut.stock market declineThis is the factor.
The United States, which was announced at the same time.The number of continued unemployment insurance recipientsresulted in 3 consecutive weeks of increases.1.794 million people.It was.
This is.Stocks are rising.This is the factor.
service industry PMIThere is an increasing possibility that economic indicators to be announced in June will show a stronger than expected performance.
This is.lowering interest ratesFor investors who are anticipatingNegative.It will be favorable for US stocks.
The US economy isSoft landing.It is moving steadily towards the target.
Unemployment rateIt will take time to stabilize inflation without raising it.
Disclaimer: Community is offered by Moomoo Technologies Inc. and is for educational purposes only.
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