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What is real poverty?

What is real poverty?
Real poverty is not the lack of a house or a car; it is not being poor, penniless and lacking in material things.
It is the shallowness on the face, the emptiness in the eyes, the blankness in the soul, the poverty of thought, the extreme lack of spirit, the drifting heart at sea.
True poverty is unseen, unloved, unattached, unanticipated, and without hope!
What is true poverty?
Real poverty is not the lack of a house or a car; it is not being poor, penniless and lacking in material things.
It is the superficiality of the face, the emptiness of the eyes, the blankness of the mind, the poverty of the mind, the extreme lack of spirituality, and the heart that follows the current.
True poverty is not seen, nothing to love, nothing to send, nothing to hope for, nothing to look forward to!
What is real poverty?
Without a free environment and a relaxed soul, there would naturally be no sublime spirit. Those noble feelings, cultures, arts, and cutting-edge sciences would not have a chance to be born.
Without a free environment and a relaxed soul, there would naturally be no sublime spirit. Those noble feelings, cultures, arts, and cutting-edge sciences would not have a chance to be born.
What is real poverty?
When faced with changes in life, some people look ahead, always wondering, "Will this work?" Either that or they hesitate, "Can I make it?" Opportunity after opportunity to change their destiny slips away in their hesitation and waiting, only to look back and regret it. Even when they encounter the next opportunity for change, they still wallow in the limitations they have set for themselves, and end up with a lifetime of mediocrity and inactivity.
When faced with changes in life, some people look ahead, always wondering, "Will this work?" Either that or they hesitate, "Can I make it?" Opportunity after opportunity to change their destiny slips away in their hesitation and waiting, only to look back and regret it. Even when they encounter the next opportunity for change, they still wallow in the limitations they have set for themselves, and end up with a lifetime of mediocrity and inactivity.
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