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What is the worst part of becoming a billionaire?

The benefit of having billions is that you can do almost anything you want within the limits of human nature and the laws of time/physics. But sometimes you still have to wait at customs.
The downside of having billions of dollars
Your friends change. Now that you have the capital to make things happen, people start showing up. So your friends now become people in the same tax bracket as you. It's cool. Sometimes they're not wealthy either, but that's rare.
Now it's disappointing to have friends who want something from you. People who usually wouldn't pay attention to you want to hang out because they might get a piece of your money. That might be cool for regular gamblers, but it's shallow. If you haven't already, you must now isolate yourself from this kind of thinking and cultivate some critical thinking skills.
One of my friends became a millionaire and one of his friends told him, 'You can give me that guitar and I don't even know how much it's worth.' They don't talk anymore.
Having a car costs money, which most of us take for granted, even if we can afford the maintenance costs, we still complain. Gasoline, maintenance, license plates, tags, etc...
The operational cost of a yacht can be as high as 1 million US dollars per week. If you have hundreds of billions of dollars, this can be controlled and is worth it because it's yours. But if you complain about this to people other than millionaires, you would find it strange.
Suppose you decide to go camping in a motorhome. You pack your bags, prepare propane, feed the cat, book a good spot, and so on. Then suppose you decide not to go at the last minute due to the weather, a last-minute work call, or other reasons. All the bookings are done by yourself, so cancelling is a bit of a hassle, but generally only affects you and your family.
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Now, suppose you are a billionaire planning to attend the Cannes Film Festival. There will be a large group of people to make this happen for you. Customs, security, personal assistants, certified diving instructors, crew, chefs, etc., they will handle everything you may need for your trip. They all need to know your plans, including your morning coffee preferences, the restaurants you might want to go to, and if you suddenly cancel your trip, their lives will be disrupted. The people affected by your plans are much more than you imagine.
Ordinary gamblers may not care, but ordinary gamblers are also very likely not billionaires.

Having tens of billions of dollars does not guarantee that you won't have a bad morning for any reason. Fortunately, good music can make a 180-degree turn in a day. The crew all like us.
What is the worst part of becoming a billionaire?
Video playback link🔗You can find the "News" feature under the "Market"-"More" section. - YouTube
What is the worst part of becoming a billionaire?
What is the worst part of becoming a billionaire?
What is the worst part of becoming a billionaire?
What is the worst part of becoming a billionaire?
What is the worst part of becoming a billionaire?
Video playback link🔗You can find the "News" feature under the "Market"-"More" section. - YouTube
What is the worst part of becoming a billionaire?
Video playback link🔗You can find the "News" feature under the "Market"-"More" section. - YouTube
Video playback link🔗You can find the "News" feature under the "Market"-"More" section.
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