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Where are people in a hurry due to the collapse of the Nikkei Average

ぼんやりウォーカー wrote a column · Aug 5 19:31
The Nikkei Average recorded the biggest decline in history, and it is said that it is second in terms of ratio after the Lehman shock.
The exchange rate also showed a strong appreciation of the yen.
It's a little bit back, and now it's 145 yen.
In response to this, I see reports and announcements such as “the market is in great turmoil” or “a beginner who started investing with the new NISA in a hurry.”
There are probably many people doing short-term trades in the market, and it seems that there are many people who bet on the way up, so I understand “the market is very chaotic.”
However, I don't really understand that it's like “the new NISA people shout.”
Many new NISA citizens are long-term diversified accumulators, and stocks have a certain degree of volatility, which cannot be predicted, but I think they are investing on the premise that well-distributed indices will rise steadily over the long term.
I understand “that being said, going back is somehow uneasy.”
I'm not really interested in impressionism, so I'm thinking of taking a look at actual trading trends within the NISA framework when they come up.
As someone who mainly holds Orkan and US dollar-denominated bonds, there is an effect of a decrease in raw bond prices due to the decline in Orkan's stock price and the appreciation of yen.
However, it is now possible to buy Orkan at a rather low price, and since raw bonds are assumed to be sold out, there is no need to worry about the current exchange rate.
I now know that “I don't care about this much change” as the biggest harvest due to the current decline in stock prices and the progress of the yen's appreciation.
Another benefit was that we were able to experience significant movements in stock prices even for causes unrelated to corporate performance.
Is the expression “fluctuation due to fundamentals” correct?
Either way, I can't do technical analysis of individual companies, I have no intention of doing it, and I can't read fundamentals.
As the account name suggests, as an “vague walker,” you simply continue to make long-term diversified funded investments with as little effort as possible.
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