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Will be interesting to see when the recovery will be

$NLS Pharmaceutics(NLSP.US)$ Based off the trend markers, the stock doesn't seem to have been massively overbought. The fact that so much flowed out without completely tanking was more robust stock than I expected. It still seems to be in a period of overcorrection. Given the limited volatility in the past, the trend will eventually reverse course. Hard to say what the final numbers will look like since that mostly depends on how much emotional liquidation occurs first.
Will be interesting to see when the recovery will be
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  • gregarious Hare_7521 : Any good news? can you break it down please 🙏

  • ArrayfunctionOP gregarious Hare_7521: What is your time frame you are looking at in terms of news? It seems to have been a one-off uptick in stock value unfortunately. There isn't really anything from a strictly data view that would point towards anything other than wobbling around the current price.

    This is a good example of why you need to be careful with thinking off "averaged" data. If you were to look at the 3 month data - you would get a more optimistic point of view. With the price being relatively stable for so long prior to the one-off spike, all the metrics that rely on moving averages (which are most of the ones on here) are going to give effectively false positive "entry signs." Even after a few days have passed with lowered prices, the "averaged" values are inflated and so the trend metrics are still showing positive signs.

    But if we limit the time window to much smaller chunks, you can see that in reality the stock is back to performing how it did before the spike. And the trend metrics are no longer reading positives.  I wouldn't expect much movement on price and to see the same wobbles as before the spike.

    I would actually love if Moomoo added options to run metrics with the geometric and harmonic means as well as the arithmetic mean. It would help minimize these outlier problems,  but I don't think that is likely to happen.

    Either way, that is why I personally use shorter calculation periods than default and always look at multiple timescales when thinking about a stock. Hope that helps 🫤

  • gregarious Hare_7521 : thank you

Investing primarily in bio-tech and drug development; both big pharma for growth and start-ups for speculation