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Wise words and actions.

Wise words and actions.
1. When you win, please shut your mouth.
2. Don't tell others about your plans. Let the results speak for themselves.
3. Never expect to receive what you have given. Not everyone has a heart of flesh and blood.
4. Every day when you wake up, you have a new job... to do better than yesterday.
5. Unless you are grateful for everything you have, you will never get what you want.
6. Sometimes what you want to persist in is what you should give up.
7. If you want to buy something without looking at the price, then don't look at the clock when you work.
8. God arranges some people in your life for a reason, and there is a better reason to remove them from your life.
9. If you don't have anything valuable, the devil won't attack you so fiercely. Thieves won't break into an empty house.
10. When you start doing what is most beneficial for you, you will annoy a lot of people.
11. When you take your life goals seriously, you will lose many friends.
12. Life won't get easier. You will just get stronger.
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