$GLOBALSTRAT (08007.HK)$ 00164 and W preparation
00164 is expected to increase by 25% from 12/21 to 12/28, and 08007 is expected to increase by 50% from 12/21 to around 1/12.
Purchase instruction for 0.92
Financial estimates of 0.95 at the end of 12/21.
Expecting 1.00 or more at the end of 12/22.
That's what they say. lol
00164 is expected to increase by 25% from 12/21 to 12/28, and 08007 is expected to increase by 50% from 12/21 to around 1/12.
Purchase instruction for 0.92
Financial estimates of 0.95 at the end of 12/21.
Expecting 1.00 or more at the end of 12/22.
That's what they say. lol
$SKY BLUE 11 (01010.HK)$ End of year bargains?
They are being purchased at the top and bottom, mainly 0.58, but are there any recommended options?
They are being purchased at the top and bottom, mainly 0.58, but are there any recommended options?
てふてふ OP みゃの : SBI Securities is possible.