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ぬこ好き Private ID: 181734117
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    Honda Motor Co., Ltd. announced that the “N-BOX” took first place in terms of new car sales in the first half of fiscal 2022. In addition to the design with the largest interior space and presence of a light passenger car, the N-BOX has been evaluated for its advanced safe driving support system “Honda SENSING,” which is standard equipment for all types, and excellent driving performance/fuel efficiency, etc., and is gaining popularity from a wide range of users. In the first half of 2022, 86,876 units were sold, and the cumulative total exceeds 2,250,000 units.
    $Honda Motor (HMC.US)$
    Honda N-BOX won the No. 1 new car sales volume in the first half of 2022
    No matter what you look at, such as the details of the business, financial statements, or the movement of stock prices, it can be said that now is the time to buy NTT's stock. Especially since the investment amount per share has become cheaper, it is recommended for beginners to start with a small investment with low risk.
    Also, NTT's stock is suitable for those who want to generate stable profits in the long term because the dividends are high dividend concept. However, it is important to carefully determine considering the impact of the current global social situation due to the coronavirus.
    The company that is most highly evaluated for its efforts in SDGs is 'toyota motor', with a significantly higher percentage of 18.3% stating that they are 'seriously working on' SDGs compared to other companies by more than 5 points. Conversely, negative responses such as 'not working on it at all' or 'not working on it much' were low at 6.0%.
    Second place goes to 'AEON', moving up from 5th place last year. 'UNIQLO', which was 2nd in the previous year, dropped to 3rd place but its score has slightly increased compared to the previous year.
    Out of the 210 companies surveyed last year, approximately 75% or 157 companies saw an increase in their SDGs evaluation scores compared to the previous year. Among them, the largest growth from the previous year was seen in 11th place, 'yakult', where 'seriously working on it' increased by more than 3 points from 7.4% to 10.9%, and the overall score increased significantly from 14.7 points to 19.3 points.
    Among the top ranks, 'panasonic' in 6th place, 'mcdonald's japan' in 8th place, 'asahi beer' in 9th place, 'fujifilm' in 14th place, 'honda motor' in 18th place, 'kewpie' in 21st place, all significantly increased their scores...
    One of the most anticipated equity spin-offs of 2022 was implemented last week. Tesla, Inc., the electric vehicle (EV) maker that announced its intention in June, split its shares by a ratio of 1 to 3 on Aug. 25. Tesla, Inc. 's share price was nearly $900before the split, but even private investors who cannot buy end-to-end shares can now buy Tesla, Inc. shares for less than $300.
    Tesla, Inc. has always been a popular brand. Production has increased, production / shipments are expected to exceed 1 million in 2022, and profitability has also improved. Shareholders have accepted Elon Musk CEO's outspoken remarks. Under Musk's leadership, the company has expanded its revenue sources such as energy products and the installation of solar panels and currently produces four EV models. $Tesla (TSLA.US)$
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