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ベヨネッタ Private ID: 182320269
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    Nintendo $Nintendo (7974.JP)$ and DeNA $DeNA (2432.JP)$ It was announced on the 8th that the joint venture “Nintendo Systems” (Tokyo) will be established in April 2023. In order to promote the digitalization of Nintendo's business, it is responsible for research and development, etc. The capital is 5 billion yen, and the investment ratio is 80% for Nintendo and 20% for DeNA.
    The two companies concluded a capital and business alliance in 2015. System development etc. centered on Nintendo accounts have been carried out, and it is said that the partnership will be strengthened through the establishment of a joint venture.
    Author: Reuters
    Last Updated: 11/8 (Tue) 17:01
    Nintendo and DeNA establish a joint venture to promote digitalization
     SNS(交流サイト)「Facebook」を運営する米メタ $Meta Platforms (META.US)$ が大規模な人員削減を計画していると、米ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナルが11月6日に報じた。米国のテクノロジー業界は新型コロナウイルスの世界的大流行(パンデミック)時に急速な成長を遂げたが、ここ最近は人員を削減する動きが広がっている。そうした中でも最大規模のレイオフ(一時解雇)になる可能性があるという。
    ■ メタCEO「優先度の高い成長分野に投資集中」
    [New York Joint] in the United States $Amazon (AMZN.US)$ announced on the 3rd that it will freeze hiring of employees for several months. It has already suspended hiring activities in the retail sector, including its mainstay of internet sales, and will expand employment adjustments to other sectors. They expressed concerns about economic slowdown due to continued rate hikes by the Federal Reserve Board (FRB), saying they are facing an unusual economic environment.
    The letter sent by Senior Vice President Galatti, who is in charge of personnel, to employees has been made public. Logistics facilities, which are approaching the busy year-end sales season, are expected to be exempt from hiring freezes.
    Amazon's net profit for the July-September quarter of 2022 decreased by 9% compared to the same period last year, highlighting the deceleration in growth.
    Author: Kyodo News
    Last updated: 11/4 (Friday) 14:47
    以前は70万の利益を出してくれたので とても好きな銘柄です
    値動きもやんちゃ坊主みたいで ハラハラする時もたまにありますが 少しでもよいので右肩上がりで スクスクと育ってほしい
    $Activision Blizzard (ATVI.US)$
     ☀️【業績予想/決算速報】ソニーグループ $Sony Group (6758.JP)$ が11月1日に発表した2023年3月期中間決算の税引前損益は637,132百万円、直近のIFISコンセンサス(591,892百万円)を7.6%上回る水準だった。また同日発表された業績予想によると通期の税引前損益は前回予想(1,070,000百万円)から上方修正され、前年並みの1,120,000百万円を予想、IFISコンセンサスとほぼ同じ水準となっている。
    How much will the Pokémon that go on sale next month go up?
    $Nintendo (7974.JP)$
    I endured the dangerous October without less than 6,000 yen. Let's rejoice in it now. It's November starting tomorrow. Let's say it's about time we start a counterattack.
    I'm looking forward to tomorrow coming.
    I'm a game nerd, so after all, most of the brands I've acquired are just game companies and electronics companies.
    My way of thinking is that for industries and companies that have little understanding of that, it is better not to enter carelessly, even if you read newspaper articles or economic reports about it, you can't come to a conclusion about whether to own it or sell it.
    Do people have the same way of thinking?
    ゲームメーカーのセガは10月19日、新作アクションアドベンチャーゲーム「ソニックフロンティア」をPRするために製作した特別なラッピングカー「Audi R8 Coupe V10 performance 5.2 FSI quattoro S tronic to collaborate with SONIC FRONTIERS」の完成披露会をアウディ正規ディーラーのアウディ横浜青葉で開催した。
    ソニックフロンティアは11月8日に発売を予定しているプレイステーション 5/プレイステーション 4/Xbox Series X|S/Xbox One/Nintendo Switch/PC対応ゲーム。主人公である「ソニック・ザ・ヘッジホッグ」が広大なスターフォール諸島を舞台に自慢の超音速で走りまわり、謎の声に導かれながらこの世界の謎に挑む新境地アクションアドベンチャーとなっている。
    セガ、「アウディ R8」の“ソニックフロンティア”ラッピングカーを「全国エンタメまつり」で一般公開 展示後は販売が決定
    I also give advice to people who don't play games in Gereson and Switchsport.
    In short, we must gain supremacy in home hardware.
    Domestic rabbits are also horns, and foreign boxes are still very strong.
    An increase in research fees and personnel from the increase in development resources
    If you grow up, your eyes will become very neat.
    To tell you the truth, five years, more than ten years.
    So long-term investment.
    $Nintendo (7974.JP)$