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ルーキーの自己中 Private ID: 181770636
    直近の取引セッションでは、 $Coca-Cola(KO.US)$ は61.97ドルで取引を終え、前日比+0.44%の上昇となった。この株価は、この日0.6%の下落を記録したS&P 500を上回った。一方、ダウは0.86%の下落となり、ハイテク株中心のナスダックは1.08%下落した。
    今日を迎える時点で、世界最大の飲料メーカーの株価は過去1か月間で0.37%下落しており、生活必需品セクターの1.46%の下落を上回り、同じ期間のS&P 500の3.15%の上昇には遅れをとっている。
    投資家は、コカコーラが近々発表する収益開示で、その業績を熱心に見守るだろう。同社は、EPS を 0.80 ドルと報告すると予想されており、前年同期比 2.56% 増となっている。一方、当社の現在のコンセンサス予想では、収益は 118 億 8,000 万ドルと予測されており、前年同期比 0.75% 減となっている。
    KO の通年の コンセンサス予想では、1 株当たり利益が 2.82 ドル、売上高が 458 億 1,000 万ドルになると予想されていた。これらの結果は、前年比...
    The S&P 500, which is the broadest stock price index, hit an all-time high this month, and in the past26% increase in 1 yearThen, it was traded at a level that barely reached that level.
    Who is the wise man Berkshire Hathaway from Omaha $Coca-Cola(KO.US)$ $American Express(AXP.US)$ $Apple(AAPL.US)$ Also known for his investments in companies such as Chubb, which is his latest name, the company has also held two exchange-traded funds that track what is regarded as the broadest index of the stock market for years, according to quarterly SEC filings 13F. On average, $S&P 500 Index(.SPX.US)$ IsApproximately 10% per yearIt is raising profits.
    SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust is a ticker $SPDR S&P 500 ETF(SPY.US)$ It is traded on, and Vanguard's S&P 500 ETF is a ticker $Vanguard S&P 500 ETF(VOO.US)$ I made a deal with...
    Warren Buffett's Favorite ETFs
    Warren Buffett $Apple(AAPL.US)$They discussed the recent decision to sell a significant portion of the shares and emphasized that although the $20 billion sale is significant, it does not indicate a loss of trust in Apple. Rather, Buffett's actions are likely driven by tax considerations and strategic financial plans for potential large-scale acquisitions.
    Austin and Berkshire Hathaway just hosted their annual event in Omaha. It was a major event that attracted a lot of attention every year. However, the biggest focus this year is probably Warren Buffett's sale of a significant amount of Apple shares.
    Is this a drop in trust in Apple, or is there more to the story?
    Selling 20 billion dollars in one position is huge. However, it is necessary to apply this to context.
    First of all, it is worth noting that although the amount is remarkable, Buffett rarely cuts positions to the scale of several billion dollars.
    He said his favorites will last forever...
    Why did Buffett ditch Apple?
    Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway revealed a new 6.72 billion dollar stake in insurance company Chubb on Wednesday, confirming months of speculation that Chubb has made a huge new investment.
    According to documents submitted to regulatory authorities describing details of Berkshire's US listed shares, as of the same day, Berkshire held 25.92 million Chubb shares as of March 31.
    In response to this disclosure of information, Chubb's stock price hit a record high due to overtime trading,6.3% increaseIt was 268.96 dollars.
    Stock prices often rise when Berkshire reveals new holdings, and this reflects what investors believe is Mr. Buffett's endorsement.
    CFRA Research analyst Kathy Seifert, who is in charge of Berkshire, said in an email, “Chubb is an attractive stock investment for Berkshire. This is because Chubb is developing a business that Berkshire is familiar with, that is, non-life insurance,” he said.
    Mr. Seifert refrained from speculating on whether Berkshire would buy the full amount of Chubb, but Chubb's specialized compensation in the commercial field...
    Buffett reveals 6.7 billion dollars in secret stocks
    This year's $Berkshire Hathaway-A(BRK.A.US)$ $Berkshire Hathaway-B(BRK.B.US)$ One of the most surprising news from the shareholders' meeting $Apple(AAPL.US)$ It was a reduction in the company's position in stocks. The revelation that Berkshire's Apple stock is currently equivalent to 135.4 billion dollars means that Warren Buffett's company holds approximately 790 million shares, which is a decrease of about 13%.
    When it comes to selling 100 million shares or more in a short period of time, the question naturally arises as to why. Buffett hinted that the sale was for tax reasons, probably in anticipation of future tax rate increases.
    Nevertheless, the history of Berkshire and Apple provides valuable investment lessons, and investors should know three things about Berkshire's sale of Apple shares.
    Apple is no longer undervalued
    Most investors...
    $Coca-Cola(KO.US)$ が素晴らしいビジネスであることを示す大量の証拠がある。世界中で最も有名なブランドの1つである。 60年以上連続して配当金を支払い、増額し続けている。これは、バークシャー・ハサウェイにおけるウォーレン・バフェット氏の主要保有株の1つでもある。
    価格決定力は偉大なビジネスの特徴であり、コカ・コーラはそれを十分に備えている。同社は最近第 1 四半期の収益を発表し、若干の販売数量減少、為替の逆風、企業調整を補うための価格設定と製品構成の向上により前年比 13% 増加したことに支えられ、純収益は 3% 増加した。
    コカ・コーラ: 買うか、売るか、それとも持ち続けるか?
    $Coca-Cola(KO.US)$ は最近、 $Microsoft(MSFT.US)$ のクラウドコンピューティングおよび人工知能 (AI) サービスの活用を目的として、マイクロソフトとの5 年間のパートナーシップを発表した。
    コカ・コーラカンパニーは、このパートナーシップに11億ドルをコミットし、Microsoft Cloud とその高度な生成 AI 機能へのアクセスを許可した。
    「長期的なパートナーシップを通じて、私たちはコカ・コーラカンパニーと世界中の独立系ボトラーのネットワーク全体でシステム全体のAI 変革を加速するという大きな進歩を遂げました」とマイクロソフトの執行副社長兼最高商業責任者のジャドソンアルソフは述べた。「AI の時代を受け入れ続け、ビジネスのあらゆる分野でイノベーションを推進するために Azure OpenAI Service や Copilot for Microsoft 365 などのソリューションに注目しているコカ・コーラをサポートできることを...
    Warren Buffett doesn't usually bet his farm on specific stocks. $Berkshire Hathaway-A(BRK.A.US)$ Most of the approximately 40 stocks included in the portfolio are less than 1% of the total stock investment of the conglomerate.
    However, $Apple(AAPL.US)$ is a notable exception. Even after Buffett and his team cut positions, a whopping 40.3% of Buffett's 336 billion dollar portfolio was invested in iPhone manufacturers as of March 31.
    Why Buffett loves Apple
    To understand why Mr. Buffett loves Apple so much, it's a good idea to remember Mr. Buffett's letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders last year. This legendary investor said that he and the late Charlie Munger, a long-time business partner, chose a business rather than a stock.
    Buffett highly appreciates Apple's business. 2023 Berksha...
    Should 40.3% of Buffett's $336 billion portfolio buy Apple?
    OMAHA, NE — Warren Buffett $Berkshire Hathaway-A(BRK.A.US)$ of $Paramount Global-B(PARA.US)$ It was revealed that the entire company had given up the entire amount.
    Buffett said at Berkshire's annual shareholders' meeting that “I am 100% responsible for Paramount's decisions.” “That was 100% my decision. And we sold everything and lost quite a bit of money.”
    According to the latest documents submitted, Berkshire held 63.3 million Paramount shares as of the end of 2023 after reducing its position by about one-third in the fourth quarter of last year.
    The Omaha-based conglomerate first purchased non-voting shares of Paramount's Class B shares in the first quarter of 2022. Since then, this media company has been in a difficult situation, with dividends cut, lost profits, and the CEO's resignation. What is the stock price44% drop in 2022Then,2023Further to12% declineI did it.
    Sony Pictures and...
    Buffett sold all of his Paramount shares and “lost a significant amount of money”
    $Coca-Cola(KO.US)$ As stringent demands are rising, Wall Street analysts expect profit growth to slow while awaiting the company's quarterly results to be announced before the market opens on Tuesday.
    The consensus among analysts tracked by FactSet is that this soft drink company will report sales of 11 billion dollars and a profit of 70 cents per share in the first three months of 2024. This is equivalent to 3% year-on-year growth in profit. Compared to the previous quarter's increases of 9% and 7%, respectively, in sales,0.4% increaseI did.
    While inflation has increased Coca Cola's spending over the past two years, the company has managed to pass most of that cost on to consumers without losing major business. Despite the fact that the company raised prices by 10%, sales volume increased 2% from 2022 in 2023.
    However, as inflation subsides, rising prices will no longer be a factor driving sales growth. Also, if consumers start reducing their intake of soft drinks, will earnings growth slow further in the next few quarters, ah...
    Coca-Cola profit growth slows