牛林 OP 逆流而上成河 : Open market price
牛林 OP 逆流而上成河 : My capital is low, and my investment strategy is wrong, and now I'm losing money
牛林 OP Peter YCS : I don't have much money, so I'm very unwilling to lose money.
牛林 OP oldmanzhangw : I always thought I'd go back. Slowly, I'm not willing to let go, and now there's nothing I can do; I can only ask for more blessings
牛林 OP gentle Iguana_2693 : I really didn't expect that many; the stocks I bought at the beginning didn't expect this to happen.
牛林 OP Wei13 : OK
牛林 OP 103069253 : I bought it at the original price