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飞飞飞up Private ID: 70958474
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    飞飞飞up commented on
    This year I got massive gains from the futu $Futu Holdings Ltd (FUTU.US)$ shares I own. so I want to thank this platform and the futu team for building this excellent product.
    Money eventually is just some numbers you cannot bring to afterlife. Youth and time are irreversible. but having said that, money can solve many problems.
    With enough money, we can buy back our freedom from our daily routine job. I'm always keen on exploring ways to achieve financial freedom.
    Without investment, it is like doing a walk. it takes so much effort to travel from one place to another. with good investment into the right company, it is like taking a train. you can sit there, have some coffee, listen to some music,.and enjoy the view outside the window. without much hassle, you travel a long way. with poor investment like ...
    Way to financial freedom with futu
    飞飞飞up liked and commented on
    $Futu Holdings Ltd (FUTU.US)$
    We know that the name of our app "moomoo" has aroused some discussions on social media. Our staff are also curious about the origin of the name "moomoo." By chance, a casual talk with Futu CEO, Leaf, at leisure unravels the mystery.
    "One night three years ago, when we were at loggerheads over the name for this international stock trading app, the wife of Keith who was in charge of the US branch of FUTU happened to pass by and heard our quarrel.
    'How about calling it moomoo?' She threw out an off-the-cuff remark, 'it's in a nursery rhyme.'
    What a wake-up call, snapping me out of a dazed state! Moo, as the sound of bull, the metaphor of which is direct, vivid, catchy, and lovely. Although it's made of six letters, only the two letters, 'm' and 'o,' are contained and also repeated regularly. Even hard to misspell it!
    I wa...
    The Origin of The Name "moomoo"
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