Redeem 15,000 points for the Futu storage bag, exchange the 17th for the 25th and receive the item 🥰
There are a total of 5 storage bags inside, which is a must-have and is super practical when traveling! Looks like the quality is good too~
There are a total of 5 storage bags inside, which is a must-have and is super practical when traveling! Looks like the quality is good too~

If you answer simple questions, you can also get free cash within 3 days, friends~

The question answering session really made us understand the rules and good health. If you answer wrong, remember clearly 😆😆
101518691 May OP Aiden的韭菜日记4500 : I only saw it released for a few days. It may have been finished by claim. I don't know if it hasn't been replenished yet. At present, I haven't seen the mall released in the past two weeks.