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101756408 Private ID: 101756408
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    End of the second quarter of 2023,
    $Apple(AAPL.US)$ Apple's market value,
    It has officially stabilized at USD 3 trillion.
    Since the launch of the first iPhone in 07,
    It successfully led the smartphone trend,
    At the same time as driving countless suppliers to soar,
    It also established Apple as the world's largest market capitalization company.
    However, over the past ten years or so,
    Smartphones that are being updated and iterated have reached a bottleneck.
    Although the functionality has been improved and upgraded,
    However, consumers have reached the stage of “switch fatigue.”
    In order to seek a breakthrough,
    Apple released Vision Pro in June 2023,
    Although Apple is not the originator of this product,
    However, in pioneering virtual reality hybrid products,
    It has received the highest recognition in the market (compared to other so-called virtual headsets),
    It is said that this product has been polished once by Apple in 10 years.
    Can you start a fire,
    Is the public's acceptance high
    Leading a new trend in human life,
    Personally, I think it's just a matter of time.
    With the current macro background mixed with many seemingly good and bad events,
    such as geopolitics, high interest rate environment, inflation, economic slowdown,
    Capital from the stock market chose to pour into innovation-related technology stocks,
    Between 2020 and 2030,
    From 5G, new energy, artificial intelligence AI to virtual reality hybrid,
    It can be said that it is full of opportunities,
    As long as there is a good company in the industry,
    Go up first, or take the lead later,
    It's also just a matter of time.
    ” Wait, not a problem;
    101756408 liked and commented on
    $Apple(AAPL.US)$ all time high, an apple a day keeps the doctor away?
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